Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Bed jumper.
Let me narrate for you. ☺ I start laughing because hubby is to my left, jumping & spinning while Mercedes is jumping & spinning. Then, you see his funny, dork self lunge on her. Which they both thought was hilarious. The tape is then cut while he gets a rear chewing. ☺ Do you hear the background music? That is Audi, SINGING IN THE SHOWER! LOL He always sings in the shower & he had no idea I was taping Mercedes. ☺
Those are jammies on backwards (with the feet cut off). She can escape two or three wrappings of duct tape around her diaper, so we have no choice but to dress her in this attire @ naptime. It's quite a nuisance, really. I had to wake her from her nap today, so I didn't put her clothes back on. At bed time, we put socks on her, then footie jammies, then jammies with the feet cut out on backwards, in hopes of keeping her warm. I allow her to have a blanket now that she is older, but anything in her bed besides her Taggie gets thrown out. Anything extra doesn't have the privilege of sleeping with her. ♥
I must be doing something wrong.
You have seen me comment before that people left & right are purchasing a DSLR camera & wham! - they are now "professional" photographers, in business. That alone is pretty self explanatory, but there is one area I just don't get. Hence, I must be doing something wrong.
Alot of professional photographers are moms. Stay-at-home moms. Moms of one or two young children - many the mother of three or four young children. Although I am certainly not a professional photographer, I can tell you that scheduling sessions & editing (mostly editing) & submitting print orders takes an unbelievable amount of time. #1.) I certainly could also be a professional photographer, if I would devote more time (& a build a little confidence, which I am lacking) but 2.) where in the world are these mom photographers finding the time to handle all that comes along with being a professional shooter? It's a package deal, & a hefty one at that.
Most that I know of are stay-at-home moms. Whose cooking breakfast? Whose paying bills? Whose bathing the children? Whose doing the laundry & washing sheets? What about lunch? Dinner? Reading stories? Helping with homework? Shopping for groceries & necessities?
Running to the post office? Dropping & picking up children from school? Talking & spending time with their children? Asking how their day was & actually listening to the responses? Playing Connect 4 (lol)? Cleaning floors & toilets & tubs & showers & loading/unloading the dishwasher, dusting & vacumming? Taking care of sick children? Doctor/dentist appointments? Etc., etc.
How in the sam hills are all these other mothers currently able to participate in a profession that I too love & also hope to participate in one day? Because I just don't get it! There is absolutely no time for me to devote to shooting sessions (an hour or more), editing photos (several, if not many, hours), showing proofs to clients (roughly another hour), sizing all photos in order to fit what the client wants to order, & then actually submitting/uploading the order (also time consuming, depending on how it's done). Oh I certainly could, but I will never chose photography over my children & their wellbeing. Heck, I even tweeted the other day that I haven't even picked up my camera in weeks! I have 3 three children who just had birthdays & I have yet to take their birthday photos. I can't even fathom trying to photograph other families & all the countless hours that entails.
So does that mean these other moms have nannies? Housekeepers? Stay-at-home husbands (doubtful)? Grandmas? Are they living with no sleep? I can tell you that all of them I am referring to make a nice sum of money from their photography business. However, the end result of their sessions leaves little to be desired. Obviously their clients don't know any better, because they pay them anyway. That to me is just sad.
Recently I have run across a few moms who too have jumped on the professional photography bandwagon. Seriously. And they have done many, many sessions! Actually, I was a tad shocked! And, they have very young children! Someone please, please, enlighten me. Let me know the secret. Because I find this all very frustrating! I must be doing something wrong.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
My first video!
Yay for me! This is a "nothing" video. Just took it tonight to see if I could get the ball rolling. And I did! The quality is not too sharp, & obviously when I uploaded I messed up the beginning but hey, I had to start somewhere! Now I can post more & more & more...
Audi has the most vivid imagination I have ever witnessed a child possess. It's unbelievable (literally) & amazing. And it will drive a person nuts! He's pretty cute though. I'll keep him. ☺