
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Her dream came true.

My girl is a dancer. It comes naturally. And because I adore dancing, I couldn't be happier. ♥

Last Saturday was her first trial class. She dove right in & danced like she's been doing it for years. Not a lick of intimidation. No bashfulness. Just determination & drive.

She got really tickled when it was time for tap dancing. She had no idea that's what came after ballet. Ü After witnessing what I already knew was going to transpire at her first class, hubby & I forked over our life savings & signed this precious girl up. ♥

This Saturday, I'll try to get better photos. There are only 2 tiny windows for parents to peek through, & some motor mouth mom hogged the corner I needed to get good photos of Mercedes. Saturday I'm taking duct tape. ;o)

Lack of blogging is blamed on my husband, who yet again has been in Europe, this time for almost 7 days. I've been a little busy. But what a complete blessed busy it's been. ♥

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wedding reception cuteness.

(Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of my blog & turn off my Playlist before playing video.)

Love it! ♥

Happy New Year III & OneWord 2012.

(We went out to dinner & when we returned, all the strawberries had fallen off! :)

1.6.12 - she's 4! ♥

I don't make New Year's Resolutions. To me, they're just silly. I'm sure some remember & actually accomplish their goals, but not me. By Jan. 2nd, I'd already forget what mine was. Ha! But this year, I was introduced to OneWord2012. (Google for more information.) I was intrigued. Very intrigued. Because this works for me. And honestly, I need OneWord.

Almost 11 years ago, I became a mom. And I've mentioned this tons of times - somewhere along the way, I lost myself. Me. Where am I? Yes, I'm a mom. I LOVE being a mom, that's no secret. But what about me? I'm still a person. Or am I? For the most part, I disappeared into an overweight (let me stop right here & encourage you - if you are overweight, that does not mean you can't look good & feel your best - fix yourself up every day!), sweat & t-shirt wearing, hair in ponytail, no makeup mom. But wait just a minute. Can't I be, dare I say, both? Can't we all be both? Like I mentioned prior, I've already implemented changes (I no longer smoke, I wear makeup daily, I exercise, etc. & I'm going to blog all of this as I go). And though I need constant reminding & though this will be a work in progress - damnit - I can be both. I want to be both. I need to be both!

I've really learned to adore & appreciate words. There is power in words (good & bad). There is inspiration in words. Answers lie within words. So, needless to say, for this project, lots of words came to mind. It took me a few days. And then it hit me -

To Thine Own Self Be True.

That's it. True.

Every day, in every situation, I need to stay true to myself. I don't deserve anything less & neither does anyone else. The word true has become beautiful to me. Full of life, if you will. I love it & I'm going to print it, so I see it. I'm going to order a bracelet, so I can wear it. I'm going to do whatever I have to do to remind myself. Because I don't ever again want to forget: me.

Be inspired. Choose a word. And then get busy. Because we don't know how long we have. It's time to live. Now.

Sunday, January 1, 2012