
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I'm a homeschooling mom!

image via google.

Well hello! I sure have been a tad MIA lately! If you didn't know, I pulled my youngest son (4th grade) out of public school last week, so I have been deep into homeschool research! Ack! It is completely overwhelming, all the information via the internet, but we are slowly settling into a routine & schedule. I just know we're going to be fine. :) And I don't want to say this too loud - but so far - I kind of like this! Of course, I may not feel that way in a month. ;o) Once we really get going, my healthy recipe assessments (haha, sounds so sophisticated) can resume. I really love trying new recipes, especially the healthy ones. So hang with me, I'll be back soon! :)

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Jennifer McKinney went to JAIL! And regarding her "sponsored child"...

Yes, yes indeed. Jennifer McKinney done got herself hauled off to jail on January 25, 2014. Israel got a break this round! All the details can be found here: From what I understand, the audio 911 call, as well as the written police report(s), have already been requested & should arrive soon.

I have one hope - I hope someone is watching out for those five children before one of them gets caught in the crossfire. Thanks to public records, it appears that Domestic Disturbances (with either mom or dad being carted to jail) are becoming quite frequent in the McKinney household. This is number 4 total, I think. Her current arrest violations - 1.) Criminal Damage to Property, 2.) Disorderly Conduct & then on another report, 3.) Domestic Abuse is reported with the first two offenses.

More interesting (dishonest) information:

In a couple of weeks, Jennifer McKinney & her eldest son are (were?) heading to Africa. While there, she's been claiming they will be visiting with their Compassion International sponsored child, Frankline. She even bought a t-shirt for him! See?

Her hashtag on that Instagram photo, which was posted 3 days ago: "#forKieranandFrankline" 3 days ago = Wednesday, February 5, 2014. But on, there is a response from Mr. Shaun Groves, a representative of Compassion International, stating:

I am unaware of McKinney's trip to Africa. She has been barred from
sponsoring a child through Compassion and does not partner with or
represent Compassion in any way.

If she is claiming to be taking a trip with Compassion to Africa I would appreciate you sharing those details with me.

I read the mugshot comments and see where the misunderstanding came
from. Someone mentioned Jennifer will be traveling to Africa with
another organization. Then someone else wondered if she'd be visiting
her Compassion sponsored child. In short, no. I personally canceled her
sponsorship. We would not arrange a visit between Jennifer and her
FORMER sponsored child. She will not be traveling with or partnering
with Compassion in any way now or ever.

This conversation transpired today, Saturday, February 8, 2014. But she just posted 3 days ago that she will be visiting with Frankline…? Hmm. More dishonesty.

Now click the link at the top to get all the juicy details. And pray for the McKinney children. They need it.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Mmmmmm baked asparagus!

I didn't used to like asparagus. Now, I love asparagus. This recipe is so darn simple to make & it melts in your mouth! Here's how I make mine.

2 lbs. fresh asparagus (make sure the stalks are not limp - you want firm stalks with firm, closed tips)
Olive Oil
Sea Salt & Pepper
(Tonight, I threw on just a bit of Garlic Salt, just for added flavor)
Shredded Parmesan or Mozzarella Cheese - either works fine.

Always cut or snap off the bottom of the stalks. They're very tough & ruin the dish - so always trash the ends. I usually cut off an inch or two. I think it's quicker to cut them, so I line them up & whack a group of them at a time. Then, wash & dry. I lay mine out on a kitchen towel to dry, as to not waste a whole bunch of paper towels. They dry in about 10 minutes. You can roll them around on the towel if there's any moisture remaining when you are ready to cook them.

Lay them in your baking dish (I typically use porcelain), in a single row, making sure they aren't stacked on top of each other. This will ensure they're all cooked evenly. Drizzle with just a bit of olive oil - start with just a tad - you can always add more. Roll them around to coat. Sprinkle with salt, pepper & garlic salt. Top with a light layer of cheese. I used to add a bunch of cheese, then realized I was defeating the purpose of them being healthy. Ha! So now I just add a bit.

Bake at 350 or so for about 10 minutes. Keep on eye on them so they don't wilt & overcook (they'll look all puny if they overcook). I cook them until there's just a bit of crunch & pull them out. If they're too firm, they won't be any good. I usually test one to make sure they are done before removing them from the oven. You want them soft, with just a bit of crunch.

They turn a beautiful, bright green & they are soooooooo good! Totally addicting. I could eat these for my meal alone.

I'd better start buying 3 lbs.