Maybe it's just me. Maybe you agree.
I've been a play-at-home mom now for almost 7 years. To me, I have the most important 'job' in the world. I am shaping, forming & building our future - my children. I get paid nothing for this venture, other than 3 beautiful smiles as my reward. And those smiles are good enough. Witnessing my children grow into honest, responsible, hard working, happy, intelligent, determined children confirms to me I am doing my job. I'm doing it darn well & I don't take this task lightly. It is extremely difficult & challenging.
Many of you know hubby is in the advertising industry. His company has a new logo, & personally, I dislike it. It's no big deal, I just don't like it. Hubby happened to share my thoughts with his brother, who works for the same company. My brother-in-law responded with "let the advertising people handle the advertising, let the mom take care of the children". Originally I laughed it off. Then I became disturbed. It's disturbing to me that because of my status, I may be viewed as possibly not being worthy of opinions. This particular brother-in-law I just love, love, love. Never would he do anything to hurt my feelings. That was never his intent. However, his comment got me thinking.
Isn't that just like society, to belittle the mom, because after all, she's 'just a mom'? No, I don't wear heels every day anymore. I don't apply my makeup daily. My hair is not perfect. I don't have all the fancy dancy clothes anymore & I don't bring home a hefty or contributing paycheck. But I'll tell you one thing, I still have a mind of my own. Being a mom is what I do - it does not define me & who I am. I think the same, I have opinions & I have feelings - for crying out loud, I'm still a person. So my daily duties have changed. This makes me no less smarter than society, & it certainly makes me no less of an individual. When I quit my job years ago & made the decision to be a play-at-home mom, let me tell you what happened. I got a promotion! Raising my children is way more important than any advertising business. Jobs come & go - but I'll have my employment forever. Seems I'm the winner. :)
It infuriates me that moms typically get a bad rap. I am a firm believer that society puts us last, & society stereotypes us. That's a shame. I am a mom, but I am also a woman. I need love, I need affection, I need attention, I need passion, I need romance, & I need the spotlight, too. I deserve the spotlight. I am the very same individual I was when I went to work every day. I have the exact same needs, wants, desires, hopes & dreams. Just because I work inside the home now, doesn't mean I will settle for less than I deserve. And never in my life will I accept or tolerate belittling or degrading for a position God has designed me to do.
A year or so ago statistics showed that play-at-home moms made approximately $182,000.00 yearly. Wow! I'll take that - I earned it! Fortunately though, I don't get paid in funds. I get paid with three small children who respond respectfully with "yes ma'am", three children who have nothing less than gracious hearts, three children who have huge, beautiful smiles & eyes that sparkle, three children who well up with pride when they have given it their all, & three children who love my high fives & "you did a great job!". That's how I get paid. I'll take my payment, over society's payment or a monetary payment, anyday.
So maybe next time I don't like your logo, take it for what it's worth. Realize I'm someone not in the advertising industry & value my opinion. You don't have to agree, but don't stereotype me as ignorant or dumb just because I work inside my home every day. Treat me with respect. I deserve nothing less. Keep in mind, too, that your job is much easier than mine. You're building advertising, I'm building character.
ReplyDeleteYou go girl!
Darn tootin'............
I am not even a stay at home mom (not quite yet a mom either :) ) But I agree with all you have said....
I love the part about "I'm building character".......
You are so right!
Posted by: katie | November 13, 2007 at 06:22 PM