
Friday, December 7, 2007

While the cat is away.

Everything breaks. I shall recap just for kicks.

Husband left for Minnesota Tuesday a.m.

1.) I went to vacuum - vacuum cleaner broke. I tried to glue it. It didn't work. I cannot live without a vacuum cleaner.
2.) Then decided to wash the floor. While the sink was filling, I put dishes away. I turned back around to discover the sink had filled with black water!
3.) Scalded my hand by sticking it in the water to drain it. Ow.
4.) Immediately stuck my hand under cold tap water to relieve the pain - only to find out the cold water was still scalding hot from filling the sink. Scalded hand again. Ow again.
5.) Called water department & after some trial & error, we discovered one of our water heaters is going out. Lovely.
6.) Sit down at my computer. Visit a celebrity site I frequent. Clicked on a link. Computer crashed. (hence my disappearance) Ok, so I sit & talk to myself the remainder of the day. And night.
7.) The following day, I was in the bathroom. House alarm went off. Hmm. Seems Jaguar decided to call the fire department while I was preoccupied.
8.) Went to Sonic after school. When I was handing Bentley his drink, the bottom fell out of the cup. Root Beer all over my car. Everywhere. Nice.
9.) That night I called Dell computer. Come to find out, my hard drive crashed. Hopefully all my stuff can be saved! That concerns me. I have loads & loads & loads on my hard drive. So, my computer will be out of commission for quite some time. Peachy. And no, I don't back up my computer. I will from here on out, though.
10.) The following day is believe it or not, relatively quiet. Thank God.
11.) Friday a.m. After dropping Bents off at school, I find a lady running in our neighborhood & discover a car following her. After a long 'you follow me, I'll follow you' game & a police call, I pick up the lady & drive her home. Did my good deed for the day.
12.) Husband arrives home. Yay! I'm posting from his nasty laptop. I hate laptops!
And it's a MAC. Blah. But for now, it'll get the job done. Thank goodness Santa is bringing the kids their own computer for Christmas. Then mom will have a backup computer besides hubby's! :)

Happy weekend! :)

*I actually do backup my photos. Thank goodness! I just backed up a year's worth a few weeks ago. My computer is now in the shop - if I lose any photos at all, it will be 3 months worth because I was still editing them. I hope they can retrieve them! I don't want to lose any photos of my children! I can live with losing all my other information but heavens, not my photos! I have a Dell computer that I've had 4 years or so. Tomorrow we'll be buying a new computer since it's pretty much the same cost as having mine repaired. Back up your computer people - obviously they can crash at any time! :)

Michelle - couldn't you have given me that information like a week or so ago? :) Hubby says you are very smart (yeah, yeah) & we will be purchasing an EHD. :)

Katie - you work on one of these? I'm ready to throw this thing out the window! I can barely see what I'm typing. :)


  1. Three words for ya, girlie... external hard drive. :D

  2. I hope you have some hair left....I would have pulled all mine out!

    And hey....I have a MAC laptop.....LOL!
    I love my MAC...... ;)

  3. Laptops aren't so bad....It is all about the resolution you use on the screen. If Mitch is like my husband they like it tiny so that they can fit more on the screen...not me, I like to read it too. I use my laptop like you use your pc, it stays where it is, unless I am dying to use it and go and sit in the living room while watching tv. I love using it with a second monitor attached. I love multi tasking, LOL! Sorry your hard drive is so common which is really sad! Minsan has replaced many a hard drive that is for sure!

    What was Mitch doing in Snowy MN?

  4. Oh my goodness! It's like a bad dream or a funny movie. Sorry you had it so rough - and isn't always while you're holding down the fort alone? Hooray for your new computer, though:) Glad you're back!

  5. ::Gulp:: What's an external hard drive,where do you get one,how much does it cost,and how do you back up your photos??? Please help!


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