
Friday, January 4, 2008

Bentley & Public School

I know. Here we go again. Tonight I am very irritated. :(

Bentley is allowed to buy his lunch at school if he will eat at least 3 items on the menu. He is an extremely picky eater, so we take time discussing the menu & we'll then decide if he will take or buy.

Today, there were about 4 things he would eat, so I let him buy. I am very, very aggravated that the district is straying from the menu, serving alternatives instead.

Bentley's 'lunch' is at 10:45 a.m. Is that ridiculous, or what? His lunch is in the morning. Today, he barely ate anything because the menu served was not what the menu stated. My son went all day with pretty much nothing but his breakfast. Yes, I have an issue with that. A huge issue. The thought of him starving all day is too much for mom.

On a side note - I don't know how much longer Bentley will last at public school anyway. As you know, he also has severe insomnia - this is creating exhaustion for him, & behavior issues at school as well as at home. A few months ago, we had moved his mattress into our master closet (because it has a vent & a door) & his sleeping improved. After 3-4 weeks we moved him back upstairs to his room to see if there would be any improvement. This weekend we will be moving him back downstairs to sleep in our bedroom. Whatever it takes to help him, we will do. Short of medicating him. I honestly think all day school is too much for him & I'm afraid his health will take a toll. I can't & won't let that happen. Dealing with him right now is proving more than challenging, but we are trying so hard to remain calm & be understanding. I feel so bad for him. I love my boy so much & I'll do whatever I can to help him. My cute little boy is having such a difficult time right now. :(


  1. That stinks! I don't know what to say other than I back you in whatever you decide to do. It's your blog,you can vent away :)

    Kristy :)
    ps I LOVE the song on your blog,mind if I borrow it? :)

  2. Sorry about that food troubles! That would be frustrating though. DId the school have anything to say about it?

  3. Sorry about that food troubles! That would be frustrating though. DId the school have anything to say about it?

  4. I was reading your post about the picky eating and insomnia. Have you ever taken him for an OT evaluation? The children I work with all have Sensory Integration Dysfunction. His story sounds so familiar to me.


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