
Sunday, January 20, 2008


Do you remember the beginning of November when I posted about Bentley's loose top tooth that he had jacked with for so long, he had relocated it? And it would not come out? Everyone said it would come out. It didn't. The dentist even said it would come out. Nope. I have been wiggling it now & then when he would allow it. Which was very seldom. His loose tooth (& now the one next to it!) had become a topic of conversation in our home. We kept telling him what he needed to do to pursuade that tooth to exit his mouth. He didn't care & he refused to touch it. Today was the day. I have had enough of my beautiful boy walking around looking like a beaver. :)

He let me mess with it a tad today, but absolutely forbid husband to touch it. We had pretty much decided we'd have the dentist extract them both this week. Then...I noticed at dinner tonight that it hurts him so bad when he eats, he totally eats with his side teeth. It made me sad. I told him after dinner, the tooth was coming out. We worked on it. He cried. I wiggled & twisted & pulled some more. He screamed. Finally I told Mitch to get the tooth out. It was a battle I won't soon forget. I held him down with all my might while hubby twisted it. Bents was absolutely hysterical but we had to get it out. Hubby heard a "pop" & blood started flowing. We told Bents there was no turning back now. I squeezed him even tighter as he fought me screaming & kicking the crud out of me with his tennis shoes. Boom. The teeth came out! Both of them at the same time! We started yelling & telling him what a big, brave boy he was! A sense of relief instantly calmed him. I gave him motrin for the pain & told him his teeth wouldn't hurt him anymore. And he smiled. And he's so happy! :)

That was one of the most difficult things I have ever done! Would you please be so kind to leave him a comment telling him how brave he was? I would love to be able to read some to him. His little adorable face would light right up! His beautiful smile is back. Minus two teeth, but it's back!

I love you Bents! I am so proud of you! xoxo


  1. Woo! Hoo! Cade, you are very, very brave!!!! What a big boy you are!

  2. Dear Cade-
    That must have been very hard for you to let your mommy and daddy take your teeth out. You were a very brave little boy. You should be very proud of yourself, and I know that your mommy and daddy are proud of you too. Now you can tell all of your friends what a "tough guy" you are because you let your mommy and daddy take your loose teeth out.

    Way to go! I hope the Tooth Fairy left you something extra special!
    From, Your Mommy's Friend Rebecca

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  4. WOW!! 2 teeth at once? You must have been a brave boy. I know it hurt,but your mom and dad were only trying to help you. You did great big boy!!!

  5. WOW! You must be one tough dude! The tooth fairy better have been real generous!

  6. Cade,

    You are a brave boy. The tooth fairy is very proud of you.


  7. What a brave boy!!! And you lost two teeth at at one time? That is extra special! Good job!

  8. Well done Cade and well done mommy and daddy for helping make his smile brighter!!!

    Two teeth at once, that is super cool!!! Melissa, well done, well done! Now that you have officially worked it out, what are your personal thoughts on it?! Would you say it was easier or worse than you ever imagined?

  9. Cade - you're tougher than an old boot. I knew it! Hope mom doesn't send an apple in your lunch. Stay cool,love ya lots. Your favorite uncle, Craig.

  10. Cade, you are such a brave guy! Be so proud of yourself; we're all sure proud of you. Way to go! :)


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