
Friday, February 29, 2008


One funny. The other funny - but not so funny. First, the funny. :)

I was rocking Mercedes the other day & Jaguar was looking on admiring her. Suddenly, Mercedes stretched her arms straight out above her head & opened her little hands wide open. Jags, noticing Mercedes' position, smacks her on the palm & yells "high five!" LOL. Cute. :)

And now for the questionable funny -

Conversation today at lunch between me & Audi.

Me: "Audi, would you feed the baby for me so I can go lie down?" (joking of course)

Audi: "I'll feed her! I might have to put her on my lap to give her her milk. And I don't give a crap if she spits up all over me!" LOL! Kinda. :)

That one prompted a brief discussion. :)

Alrighty then. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm embarrassed to tell you both of those made me laugh!


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