
Friday, February 22, 2008

Now it's a maybe.

When I picked Bentley up from school today, Miss B was waiting to talk with me. We did, for about 10 minutes, but it never should have happened in front of Bents. She put me on the spot.

She told me everyone else was going to the swim program (she's assuming...all permission forms have not been turned in yet but there is still plenty of time) - I told her this is a life lesson, Bentley will not always be able to do what his friends do. She agreed. I also told her I'm not the other childrens' mom, & she agreed.

She told me it is very safe, to which I informed her accidents happen. And this was a serious risk. She agreed. She said they all wear lifejackets, but again, those are no guarantees. She agreed.

We talked about the length of the permission form - 6 pages - & I told her there was a reason for that. I explained the last field trip permission form was 1/2 page - I told her there was also a reason that one was so short. She agreed.

She told me this swim program is part of the PE TEKS - so I asked her if Bents doesn't go, would he fail. I then informed her that the permission form stated this program is not mandatory. So...would he fail if he doesn't go? She said no, but all the other children will have the training & he won't. Whoopie.

She stated there are lots of lifeguards to which I told her that I was informed there would be 3-4. She said the children are broken into small groups & there are lots of lifeguards. I explained yes, maybe, but accidents still happen. And we are talking about drowning. She agreed.

She also informed me I was more than welcome to come to the program. According to the permission form, I must sit upstairs in the spectator's area. She said no. I was more than welcome to come & sit on the side of the pool.

She stated the children are in the pool for a short amount of time. And then they leave & go to a park. "They go to a park?" I asked? She replied "oh wait, no I don't think we/they do". Hmm.

I asked her what Bents will do if he doesn't go. She said she really had no idea, because all the children have always gone. She assumed he would go to another class, or I should just keep him home. Alrighty then.

I informed her that Bents has had swimming lessons, he has been raised around pools, & that I have been to the Natatorium & I know exactly how deep & large the pool is. She agreed, but said the children are not allowed in the deep end. Ok, but there's a lot of children there & again, accidents happen. I told her about my dr. that had a nanny & 5 older brothers, yet her daughter drowned. She agreed.

We chatted a while longer & it's as if I almost had her thinking "why does the district allow this?" lol. She actually agreed with all the points I tried to stress.

So now, Bentley has heard that everyone will probably go but him. He is 6. And he is extremely sad. And that makes me sooooooooooooo sad. We are in a very difficult situation. Husband's heartstrings are now tugging on him & he said he will take that particular day off & go to the Natatorium & stay for the entire program. I'm fine with that if that's his choice.

What I don't understand is why are we going thru all of this for a swim program? How is swimming & pool rules detrimental to my child's education? Will his future depend on swimming programs? No. Not at all. Swimming has nothing to do with education. And it is my understanding they repeat this same program in 3rd grade. Oh joy. I can't wait.

So as it stands now we have until 3/7 to make a decision. I absolutely despise this district.


  1. Bless your heart...I know this is hard for you. You hate to see Cade sad as would any parent. I think Mitch willing to go and be there is an awesome idea. That way you know Cade will be watched the entire time by someone you trust and that loves Cade. I know you will feel much better and it will make Cade happy:) I still agree with you that the program is kinda wacked...although I am sure it is a great school. I don't know about a swim program in the 1st grade being of educational importance? You're a great MOM!!! and Mitch sounds like a great DAD...Cade knows that and is a very lucky little guy:)

  2. Truthfully, I cannot believe the lack of professionalism displayed by Ms. B in having this conversation with you in front of Cade.

    Issue two, GO WITH YOUR GUT.

    I was a lifeguard, and taught swim lessons for over ten years. I was very responsible, but I can't say that about all of the other college-aged students I worked with.

    I hate that you're feeling conflicted, but I can't stress enough, to go with your gut.


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