
Thursday, February 21, 2008

She's beautiful.

My other girl. I love & cherish my girl. She is so adorable & now she's potty trained! We started this task before we knew Mercedes was coming, but we halted when Mercedes arrived home in hopes it wouldn't be too much for Jaguar. One drastic change at a time. :) And now she's so proud to be wearing her cutie panties. So cute! She went up to play today & I told her "Jaguar, now don't you tinkle in your panties"...she looked at me, pointed her finger at me & replied "I won't, I pwomise!" & up she went. Such a big, big girl. :)

When she gets older, she's going to be amazingly beautiful. Not that she isn't already. :)

What salt mom? I haven't seen any salt. (check out the hair...heehee :)


  1. I can only hope my Lily turns out as cute as your little Cailyn. She is such a doll!
    I want them to be friends!!!!!!
    We have to REALLY get together soon...when everyone is over their illnesses!


  2. She is too cute!

    I giggled out loud at the photo with the salt.

  3. She is sooooo beautiful!! :) That hair is my favorite. And what a big girl on her potty:) I've always heard the girls are easier to train than the boys - let's hope that's true since I have a girl:)


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