
Thursday, April 17, 2008


Ever have the kind of day when you really don't want life to happen? I'm having that day. And I NEVER have those days.

I noticed yesterday I wasn't feeling well. Last night was sleepless due to no air flow thru my nose. I hate that! As I drifted in & out of sleep, I was awoke at exactly 4:24 A.M. to two boys singing "chicka bow wow chicka bow wow...Dave likes to wear - dirty underwear, Dave likes to wear - dirty underwear". I almost committed murder at 4:24 A.M. Two little people better be counting their blessings that I didn't.

I had to be up at 6:50 to get Bentley ready for school. Lunch packed, blah, blah, blah. It was not a good morning in our home this morning. Dropped Bents at school, went to Sonic (thank the Lord), stopped at Chevron & picked up some really healthy chocolate donuts for C & C. Came home fed them & baby C. Placed C & C in front of some really educational tv called Playhouse Disney.

Baby C finally fell asleep. Thank the Lord again! I kept shouting at her "can't you be Lily for just one darn tootin' day?" (Katie will get Lord have mercy, she must have said ok! I laid down. At that time I stopped up so bad - I could not breathe one ioda - I literally started freaking out.

I call husband.

"Hubby, I can't breathe, I think I need to go to the hospital. I'm hyperventilating & I think I'm suffocating."

Hubby: Calm down, grab a plastic bag & breathe into it. (does that really work?) Turn the shower on hot & grab some Vicks out of my drawer & put it in your nose (in the nose?).

Me: I gotta go, I gotta go, I can't breathe!

Forget the plastic bag (was that a trick? I thought you weren't supposed to put plastic on or around your face/head? Oh heavens he's trying to kill I ignored the plastic bag part) I go turn on hot shower & grab the Vicks that EXPIRED in 2003! What the heck? I use it anyway.

Call dr.'s office.

"I have to get in today. I cannot breathe, I'm freaking out & I'm hyperventilating. I think I need to go to the hospital."

Them: She can see you on Monday. Do you have tightening in your chest?

Me: I'll be dead by Monday. I don't have tightening in my chest. Can someone else see me?

They squeezed me in. In the meantime, I call hubby & inform him he must come home, I have got to get to the dr! He's not a happy camper. He has customers in town. I don't give a flyin' flip! I'm suffocating! While we bicker, I rummage thru the house trying to locate any & all nose sprays I can find - that is what the nurse suggested I use until I could get in.

I find some Ocean spray of Bentley's. I cleaned it off. Yes, I do that even while I am dying. I spray. And I spray. And I spray. What did it matter if I od'd? I was suffocating anyway.

Wow. Instant relief. That's all I needed? Nose spray? Well good Lord. I call & cancel the appointment. Phone hubby & tell him to head back to work (& proceeded to call him a few choice names for being mean). All is well in the world again.

Now I'm going to go lay down for 30 minutes then it's back off to school to pick up my Bentley. And I'm telling you if he's singing anything...

See you in a few days. Feel free to continue life without me. :)


  1. Oh, Melissa! Sending all my good, healing thoughts and wishes and prayers your way! Speedy recovery, my friend! :)

  2. First of all, it's a PAPER bag! Don't you even think of'll kill yourself! LOL...not you being dead...just picturing you with a plastic bag...sorry.

    Secondly, go to the drug store, buy yourself a Sinus Rinse bottle and start using it. I know it seems gross but trust me on this will change your life in 3 days and then keep using it!

    LOL...sorry you couldn't breathe...I'm feeling nothing but love for you right now!

  3. Oh Melissa. All I have to do is read your blog and I laugh.....Not AT you because it sounds like you had a horrible please don't take that the wrong way! LOL
    But you have the best way with words and describing things...I can just picture this all happening.

    I laughed really loud about the Lily part. Yes, my child is a really good day sleeper.....and sometimes at night, too. I hope little Caibry begins to sleep more for you!

    And for goodness sake, don't use a plastic bag. What is Mitch trying to do? LOLOLOL!

  4. Heh. On a serious note.... Coat your feet (yes feet) in Vicks and cover with socks. Your feet absorbs the oils and it actually helps clear up congestion rather quickly... Hey, it was suggested by the pediatrician and it worked on the kids!


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