
Saturday, May 17, 2008

And she rolls again!

She did it again! Now my baby can roll from her back to her tummy. This is typically the 'hardest' roll because their arm tends to get stuck under them when they roll over & they have to learn to pull it out. She actually rolled a few days ago, but I don't really count it because she wasn't yet pulling her arm out from under her. Now she is. :)
She's also trying with all her strength to sit up from a lying position. If she masters this maneuver, I'm going to tape it & win us some money! :)
I'm thinking I might take some of that thyroid medicine! lol :)
Photos later!
**Hey guess what? Today I increased Mercedes' cereal (by spoon) to 2 x a day hoping this might help with spit up & it has! Spit up has been very minimal today! She's still very poor at eating off a spoon but she'll get better. And if it helps with spit up, & continues to help, I may cancel the GI Specialist appointment I have scheduled for Wednesday. Too early to tell yet though. But I'm happy! :)
Off to get 2 more inches cut off my hair! My hair has become Mercedes' 'handles' & it hurts! So off it goes! :)


  1. Hey.....I am thinking about feeding Lily cereal twice a day now, too. She has only been eating it in the evening.....but I think she is really wanting to eat it more. SHe does really well with it now. How do you know when to increase? I am only doing 2 tablespoons of cereal at a time. How much are you doing?
    I am glad it helps her spitting up...! Super!

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