"The Today Show (www.americasfavoritemom.com) has a Best Mom contest. They originally had adoptive Moms listed in the "Non-Mom" category along with Grandmothers, Foster Mothers and others. After receiving countless emails from out raged adoptive parents for being called Non Moms they changed it to Adoptive Moms and deleted all our comments. In an effort to sweep us under the rug.
No apology that I can see or effort to educate the public on the subject. Until the media treats adoptive families like the real families they are... the masses won't take them seriously either. This is an opportunity for us to educate / correct the media and their viewing audience."
Adoptive Moms = Non-Moms. That one speaks for itself.
Grandmothers = Non-Moms. Aren't they grandmothers because they are Moms?
Foster Moms = Aren't they Moms because they are parenting the children in their care?
As I stated in the response to this email, I don't watch the Today Show. I never have. Doubtful I ever will. Nonsense such as this is disrespect & ignorance at the highest. I wish I would have found this site before they changed/updated it. Evidently there was enough ruckus created that they changed their site. And to think, I think I'm stupid sometimes.
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