
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

So I don't jinx it.

I will not talk (type?) loudly.

The last two days, yes two, have been minor spit up days from Miss Mercedes. :) At the end of the day, I only have 4, yes four, burp cloths to wash versus 20. She is doing so well I cancelled her 2nd GI appointment that was scheduled for this a.m. I will reschedule if needed. Doctors are not God & even though they are trained, they don't know everything & God has His own plan. She also is off all medication now (except for Thyroid) because none of the medication worked. We made the decision that we will not put her back on any reflux meds. We're going with the flow (heehee) from here on out.

Could it be she actually will stop spitting up at 6 months? Really, could it be? We have been in heaven the last few days. Especially her - my Happy Spitter. Ü


  1. YEAH CAIBRY!!!! I hope this reflux issue is almost over and done with. I am sure that the Laundry Detergent manufacturers aren't too happy with this, as I know you have been keeping them in business for the past 5 months :)
    Rebecca M.

  2. YAY!! I remember the days that Destiny's reflux started to subside. I pray it continues here on out and that you both are done with burp cloths soon!!!

  3. Yippee Skippy!

    That is great news.

    Now if we could just get Lily to sit ANYWHERE for longer than two minutes without screaming....LOL
    I am going nuts and my back is killing me!

    Truly, I pray Caibry's reflux is going away...what a blessing that would be!


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