
Sunday, June 1, 2008

Still alive.

Well, I'm still here. Alive & barely kicking. :)

Christine - to answer your question - hubby has taken off of work 1/2 a day last Wednesday, Thursday & Friday. Poor guy. He literally has had to do everything. By Friday I was perking up, but then Friday a.m. I was brought to my knees in pain. Twice. I had run out of the gauze the dr. supplied me & I was using gauze hubby bought me at CVS. Something wasn't working so I phoned the dr. & later went & picked up some more of their gauze. I'm going thru gauze like water, btw. TMI information, I know. I immediately began feeling relief. My golf ball size infection was slowly shrinking. And I mean slowly. Saturday all was ok until I attempted to bathe the baby. Ugh. Pain. Hubby has been bathing both Jaguar & Mercedes for me. Today I'm doing ok until I ran out of the dr.'s gauze again. Switched back to CVS gauze. I was buckling in pain. Hubby ran back to CVS to find some different stuff. He came home with lots - immediately I noticed the difference in texture & I read the package. Latex-free. DUH. I am allergic to latex & didn't even think to check that! The other gauze I was using had latex! The dr.'s gauze has none. All is well in the world again tonight.

Other than that I am taking baths 3 times a day which I despise - I call them the 'torture chamber'. I hadn't taken a bath (not shower, bath) in over 8 years. But it's helping so I'm suffering thru them. They are such a waste of time but necessary.

I have to say having this Staph infection is the worst, most painful experience thus far in my life! I feel bad for hubby & all he has had to do. He had an infection 2 weeks prior though so he is being very sympathetic & understanding. He's the best & I realize that at times such as this. He has a golf tournament to play in tomorrow a.m. so I'm glad he can catch a break.

I haven't even picked up my camera in days. That tells you my condition. I'm ready to feel good again & for life to resume. Our health & what we are able to do we all take for granted people, I'm telling you. I have really had an eye opening experience. And painful. Easily I could have ended up in the hospital & I am so thankful that did not happen. Thank God I went to the dr. when I did!

Fortunately the kids have been swimming for the last 3 days so they've been occupied. That is a blessing! Other than that I sent hubby back to Wal-Mart to stock up on all chemical cleaners I could find. I need bleach people! Forget 'Going Green'. I am so over that. I'm feeling well enough to clean, clean, clean what & when I can, starting in the bathrooms. Everything has got to stay sanitized until this bacteria passes & I cannot chance my children catching this icky thing.

Thanks for all the emails. I appreciate the well wishes!

Btw, 1 1/2 days of school left! Yeehaw! :)


  1. So glad that you are finally feeling better Melissa:)
    Mitch is a champ!! and sounds like a good one.
    Feel better...

  2. I am so glad it's getting better. There is nothing better than when your husband shows who he really is and helps take care of it all when you cannot.
    It is a true blessing. When I was sick with the stomach bug and Scott took care of Lily and everything else, it was amazing. They can really step up to the plate when the going gets tough.
    God is good.
    Get better soon!


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