
Monday, July 7, 2008

6 months.

My cutie. My chocolate truffle. My Mercedes. ♥
She had her 6 month well visit today. Needless to say, we did not need to discuss her weight. She's...well...large. :o)
19 lbs. 11 oz. (Jaguar didn't weigh 20 lbs. until she was 18 months old, so that tells you something :) - 26 3/4" long. Yes, she shrunk 1/4". Ha! Ah well. Close enough. :)

She's still happy, happy. Two times now she has worked herself into a frenzy. One at Wal-Mart & then on July 4th in the carseat on the way home. At 1:30 a.m. My Twinkle Twinkle song works every time unless she is hysterical. She doesn't appreciate my singing at that time. :)

She loves her toys. Loves them. I may have mentioned that. Too cute. She's very 'screamy' right now. Loves her voice. Us not so much. :) She's grabbing everything & I'm pretty confident my glasses are not going to survive this one. Or my hair. Ü

So far she is loving squash. And I love her. She is too beautiful & too spunky for words. :)

1 comment:

  1. you cracked me up when you said that about your glasses. Lily is ALWAYS grabbing my glasses off my face.....

    I cannot believe your Caibs has really grown. She's for sure bypassed Lily now!

    She is so beautiful!


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