
Sunday, July 20, 2008


(I uploaded this photo a while back & forgot to post it! If I have posted it, I can't locate it anywhere on my blog, so here it is again. Just in case. I think Jaguar is such a pretty little girl. Ü )

Every day I'm noticing more & more how delicate my Jags is. Maybe it's the fact that she is growing & getting taller? I don't know. But recently her tiny little bones have caught my attention. I've always recognized that her face is long & narrow. Just a dainty little face. It's hard for me to keep headbands in her hair (spite her big ol' hair) because her little face is just so thin. But recently, I have really focused in on her arms. They just seem like twigs to me! The more I look at them & feel them, it's like those little things could just snap right in half if I twisted it wrong. They seem so frail.

Not too long ago, Kerry had a post on her blog regarding her daughter Lily. Lily had fallen while riding her bike, but she didn't fuss much & she had no scrapes or bruises, so they thought all was well. Later they realized that when Lily fell, she had broken her arm. She's had a pretty pink cast that was recently removed.

Now I feel like I'm paranoid. Every time Jags falls, I'm having husband check her arms & legs thoroughly (I have him do it because he used to be a trainer & has an 'eye' for injuries - I'd have no clue as to what I was looking for unless it was more than obvious). Last night she fell in the shower & I just knew. I just knew she had snapped her tiny arm. But she didn't.

I wonder why our pediatrician hasn't mentioned her little bones in her arms and/or legs (her legs seem a little more stout)? I'm assuming it's because her tiny little bones are normal...? Having two boys first, maybe this is just how little girls are made & I'm not used to it. Audi is small, as you all know, but he's solid. He's tough. As a matter of fact, his tummy has a 6-pack! I'm going to take a photo of that & he's so excited. Ha! But that's a later post. Nonetheless, when I take Jags back to the pediatrician I will indeed ask about her delicate bone structure. And in the meantime, I'll just say some prayers. Ü


  1. I know exactly how you feel. The twins, especially Jonathan, have very tiny arms and legs. Luke has bigger arms and legs than they do. I am always afraid their arms are going to snap in two. Anxious to hear what your ped has to say.

  2. She's probably tougher than she looks :) I was always very tiny, I saw a photo of myself at about 10 a few years ago and said, "Dang! my legs are still that scrawny, they just got longer!" I did break my arm once but that was because I fell from about five feet off the ground and landed on my arm.

    Anyway,don't know if that eases your mind but she'll probably be fine.

  3. She is beautiful and yes I agree girls are more danty and tiny compared to boys but I am sure she is fine but you know asking the ped will definitely make you feel better...always safe better than sorry.
    She is just adorable. She does have a lot of hair...I think thicker and curlier than Destiny's?? Destiny's appears to be longer?
    Anyway-have a great vacation:)

  4. She is a dainty beauty...I'm sure her arms are completely normal...

    you'll know if she breaks something...with Lily we knew b/c she started favoring one arm and holding it stiffly...although there was no swelling!

    hopefully if/when she breaks something it will be obvious.

    we loved getting the CPS questioning from the doc...learned that bringing in a kid with a broken bone but no scratches (she was wearing pads) raises some red flags!

    have a great trip!

  5. She is so beautiful! That face and those eyes - my goodness!


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