
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Verbally attacked.

Wow. This is 'the' best one yet.

I'm at Wal-Mart while ago. Quick trip - not much to get. As I was wrapping up shopping, Mercedes begins to cry. She then begins to cry harder & harder & harder. She then begins screaming. She then worked herself into a tizzy & became hysterical. Never has she done that before; she is quite content w/ me holding her all the time so I assume she was hacked because I wasn't carrying her.

It was the kind of screaming where EVERYONE stops & looks. Everyone was looking at us. I was hurrying as fast as I could to get to check out. I never picked Mercedes up out of the carseat because I never would have gotten her back in. And there was no way I could keep up with my other three, check out, pay, reload bags, put bags in car, etc. while holding an almost 20 lb. baby. So I let her cry because that's all I could do.

Finally we're leaving. She is still hysterical. People are looking & staring & pointing. Here comes some old woman on one of those electric carts screaming at me.

Her: Are you the woman with the screaming baby? How dare you! How dare you let that baby scream! You ought to be turned in to CPS!! I'm going to turn you in right now!!!

I looked at her dumbfounded. Are you kidding me? Yes my baby was hysterical but she was fine. I was hurrying as quickly as I could so I could get home & get her out of the carseat. But threaten to report me to CPS? (If you know me well, you know I have an extremely bad temper - especially when it comes to protecting my children) I wasn't really sure what to do but...when she metioned 'CPS' I walked over to her & said "excuse me?" She then stood up & got off her electric cart & she was going to hit me! LOL! She was coming towards me like a tiger going after a steak!

I looked at my horrified children witnessing all this & tried to rationalize. What I wanted to do was knock that frickin' old bat down (wouldn't have took much) across her cart & tell her to shut up. Then I would have gotten on her cart & ran her over. Or something like that. Ha! However, I decided that would not be a good choice. So...after looking at my children, I simply said "you want to report me because my baby is crying? I'll pray for you" & I turned around to continue walking.

By this time everyone was watching. All Wal-Mart activity had come to a halt. Ha! Here come the employees to 'break us up' even though I was walking off. As I began to leave, after telling the old bag I'd pray for her - here came the best part.

"You G** D*** F****** Liar" shouted at me at the top of her lungs. In front of everyone. I have pretty big eyes & I'm quite confident at that time they became even larger. :)

I then gasped, grabbed my children, attempted to cover their ears (yeah, like that mattered) & off we went.

I was already rattled from Mercedes screaming & by the time that episode was over, I was nearly in tears. I was shaking & could barely think. People never cease to amaze me.

As we were leaving, a real nice lady walked passed me, smiled, & said "I'm so sorry". I thanked her. Believe it or not, that one little comment calmed me a bit. Then my Jaguar looked at me, pointed her finger at me & said "that lady was mean to you!!" LOL

The other thing I find amazing is how you can look at 4 tiny people & instantly know what you must do, & not do what you want to do. Thanks for my 4 little people I did not commit murder & go to jail. And for that I'm thankful.

(Wouldn't you know, the minute we stepped outside of WM Mercedes quit crying & hasn't made a peep since. Ha! Not funny Mercedes!)

On the way home I explained to my children that there are many, many people in the world that are crazy. Then I defined crazy. LOL I then apologized they had to witness that. Such a shame.

I know I've said this before but I'll say it again - it's a miracle I don't drink. A lot. Ü


  1. WOW!!!~~~~~ Are you serious? That is the craziest thing I have heard in a long time.
    I know the feeling of "hysterical crying baby in the cart while checking out, your blood pressure goes up, you are sweating bullets and peoples are staring" feeling.
    It is horrible. But really, like you said, what were you supposed to do?

    I am so sorry your kids had to witness the meanness of that lady. But it truly is a good teachable moment when you got to explain that not all people are the same.
    And I LOVE it that Cailyn knew that she was "mean".

    You poor thing. You've had a tough week. After saying all that, now I'm going to pray for you!!!!!

  2. You are kidding me!! What in the world is wrong with people? I'm so sorry the little ones had to hear such craziness!

    I'm proud of your self-restraint. It would've been all I could do not to smack her. Or start crying. Or both. :)

  3. Wow, it's just all kind of exciting everytime you go the store, huh? I'm kidding, trying to make you laugh :)

    I wonder why this lady didn't just offer to help you instead of doing what she did? Sometimes I think people who want to call CPS for things like that are usually ones who need to have CPS called on them at times. It sure sounds like it in her case, Gonna hit you in front of your kids!? How nuts is that!


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