
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Without her.

I wouldn't have him.

Meet Hillary. Audi's birthmother. She & Audi's birthfather chose us off a profile we had submitted to our adoption facilitator. All they knew about us was what they were reading & looking at, including lots of photos. We had never met - we had never spoken. Yet they must have felt something, & we were beyond honored. We agreed to the terms of the adoption & hubby, myself & Bentley flew out immediately from TX to CA to pick up Hillary's son - the newest member of our family. A beautiful 6 lb. baby boy. Who is now 4 1/2 & dressed himself for church this morning. With 1/2 his collar up. And folded up pant legs. I let him go just like that. :)
And ever since that day mentioned above, Hillary has broken every adoption agreement we had. LOL And I'm so glad she did.
I love her. Her & I - well - we share something. I have no clue what it is, but I do know I do not have 'it' with my other birthmothers. Just Hillary. And I love that.
She's like my now 21 year old daughter. Sometimes we talk frequently, sometimes we don't talk for months. And I love that too.
You know what else? Hillary loves my children. Of course Audi, that's a given. But the others as well. Over the past 4 1/2 years she has sent gifts to all of my children. She always talks to Bentley on the phone after she talks to Audi (Jaguar's been too little yet). She always asks about each of them. Every time. She includes them like they are a part of her & I appreciate that so much. She always says "kiss all of the kids for me" & it is so sweet. I treasure her.
I've even yelled at her before for one of her friends calling my home phone in the middle of the night. I was so mad. And like a good child, she said "ok ok, I'm sorry". LOL I still laugh about that. She makes me smile.
It's probably a good thing she lives in CA. If we lived closer, I don't think we'd have this type of relationship. And I cherish our relationship exactly how it is.
I love you Hillary & I thank you (& "M") for blessing my life in a way I never thought possible.
Oh, & about a week ago, she went & did this:

Now I'm a grandmother. LOL
Congratulations Hillary, Jessie & precious baby girl Y.
All my love, always. Ü


  1. Hey! Me too :) My stepdaughter had twins two days ago.

    That's awesome that you have such a special relationship with her.

  2. It is wonderful that you have such a great relationship with Cason's Birthmom! Me and my hubby have an awesome relationship with our daughter's birthmom as well. She is so special to us and we love her very much! She called me the day before I went in the hospital to give birth to my son to tell me that she was praying for me and that she loved me! We are so blessed to have these wonderful women in our lives! ~Lisa B.

  3. What an amazing story...and the ending totally caught me by surprise! Your life is so rich Melissa...bravo to God!

  4. What a blessing for you Melissa as well as Cason. I love the relationship that I have with my birthmother and the fact that my mother and birthmother have a wonderful relationship as well. Cason will appreciate and love you for it!!:)


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