
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Pulling up.

She's missing an earring? She is? I certainly can't tell. ;o)

She mastered it! Pulling up @ 7 1/2 months. Though I think this is a tad early - the reason it makes me soooooooooo happy that she is reaching all these milestones is because it tells me that her thyroid is working! PTL! :)

The photo above is a quickie shot. I was trying to get ready for Meet the Teacher & was running behind schedule. Audi was entertaining Mercedes & excitedly ran into me saying "She did it! She's standing!" I ran to get my camera & switched that puppy on automatic. Good heavens. All of the photos I snapped (really fast) were completely blurry. I figured my camera was on it's last leg. One can hope. :) Later on it dawned on me that camera was focusing just fine - I didn't have my contacts in yet. Baha! Ü

I'm surprised she pulled up in her pack-n-play. She is never in that thing - only to take naps. That's it. I do not use it for a babysitter. Ever. Even at dinner time, she sits with us, as a family, & has her dinner & crackers/puffs/juice. She does have a lot of floor time, but only because she loves floor time so much. Miss Independent. :) That said, when she is on the floor, I am with her. I do not leave her be while I 'fuel my own flame'. (ahem) Although I love photography & am drooling at learning more - it will have to wait. My children come first & aren't left to fend for themselves while I boost my ego. (ahem). Heehee...inside joke. Ü

Now. I have one other thing to say. And you just might want to sit down as it is HUGE & unexpected. Especially coming from me.

Regarding Meet the Teacher night...(I should have reread the school supply list I typed out on here - I didn't purchase enough writing tablets or school glue. Ha!)

I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Bentley's new teacher! Woohoo! :) :) :)

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad Cade finally has a teacher that you really like. It's about time! I will pray that this year for Cade will be wonderful, and he (and you) will enjoy every minute of it.

    I do have one favor to ask of you though, the next time you are going to post something so utterly shocking as you did in this post, please place a warning in the title. Something along the lines of "WARNING: THIS POST CAN AND WILL INDUCE A HEART ATTACK!" This way I will brace myself and not fall out of my chair like I did when reading this :)



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