
Friday, October 17, 2008

This is a shocker.

I haven't blogged because... I have nuttin' to say. I know, I know. Impossible. Ü

I got my car back! Yay! New brakes! Man. You never know how much you appreciate something until it's gone! My little rent car was cute. It was a KIA something-or-other. That little sucker could go! Hence the word little. :o) We were packed in that thing like sardines! We obviously are a carseat family, & that car didn't care. It was not going to accomodate our needs. Mercedes' carseat, of course, had to go in it. Jaguar got put in Bentley's booster, & we sandwiched Audi in the middle with no booster or carseat! Neither would fit! Bents went up front with me. Ha! Yesterday husband went to the dr. (another shocker) because his allergies were literally making him sick. He phoned saying my car was ready & said "we'll all take the rent car to pick up your car, then we'll drop the rental car off." I replied "Ok! Where you gonna sit?" LOL

So...I'm trying to make my days more productive. Incorporating new 'things'. Things that take up a lot of space in my home for nothing. Things that are completely unattractive. Things that gather dust. Things like the photo below. And I fully expect to get the results she displays. ;o)

Yep. My new plan is to get skinny. Ok healthy too, but mainly skinny. I used to be skinny. I never recognized it (another thing you don't appreciate until it's gone) & I never cared. Oh how I know now. Ü You know what I am now? No, not just a weeble-wobble. A fat weeble-wobble. No more. Time to get movin'! So my hope is to uncover my photography equipment-covered-dusty-gross-treadmill & begin using it at least 20 minutes a day. Who can't spare 20 minutes? And from there I want to start playing basketball. Love it. And tennis. No I am not athletic at all, but these 2 sports I really enjoy. Maybe those will get some weight off, too.

I'm also trying to implement game night. Fun night. Or fingerpainting night. Or day. Or whatever. My kids are growing fast. I don't want to miss one opportunity to have fun with them. And laugh. And play.

Something my Jaguar does when her earring falls out. Which isn't often, but sometimes she's too rough removing shirts/jammies & her earring back becomes loose & falls off. She'll hang on to the post, but for whatever reason she chunks all the backs behind her bed. LOL I dunno. Gurls-R-Weard.
Now it's shower time as we're off to the mall after picking up Bentley. The weather is cooling off & Mercedes is running low on warmer clothes. Because she, she can't wear Jags' warmer clothes when she was that age. Ha!
And in case you are wondering, OLTL is getting sooooooo good. Thank goodness it comes on at naptime.

Have a great weekend! Ü

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