
Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I found this little guy today @ Target. He's part of a precious little collection they currently carry. This particular little guy tugged @ my heart. Then jumped in my cart. Ü

Being a parent is the most beautiful opportunity I've ever been trusted with. The love, the tears, the laughs & the memories. The opportunity to shape & mold & build little beings. The opportunity so many pray every night to experience.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.

We have so much to be thankful for. Yet so many are hurting & their vision is fogged. Finances are dim. Jobs have dissipated. Many have lost a loved one. Someone is dying of cancer. Others are ill. Homeless. Lonely. Heartbroken. So many can't see the light thru the dark.

But there is light. And it is shining bright for all to see.

On Thanksgiving, above all you are thankful for, I hope you remember we have been given the free gift of salvation. His name is Christ.

I have given my testimony several times but here's the very short version.

I was not a Christian until I was 30. I was surrounded by Christians - most of my friends & employees were Christians. Yet I was not. At work we often discussed religion. I never understood it. And even though I inquired, no one showed me the way. I don't fault them -that's just the way it was. I was headed to hell & I had absolutely no idea.

One Sunday morning I was watching a church service on tv. It was a mega church in Dallas. A Baptist church, I believe. That church not only spoke with me over the phone & mailed me the most valuable information ever, more importantly they (strangers) showed me the way. They showed me the light. I will be forever grateful.

Tomorrow I will thank God for what He has offered all of us, & for what Christ endured to secure my place in Heaven.

Tomorrow I pray you recognize all you have to be thankful for. Jobs. Finances. Family. Health. Homes. Children running amock. New babies. But most of all, please remember to thank God. If not for Him, we would have nothing to be thankful for. Including the most important - Christ.

If you are not sure if you have a secure place in heaven, please email me. It would be my pleasure to help & listen any way I can. I won't do it perfectly. I may not do it properly. But I can help & I can get you pointed in the right direction. Don't wait. No one helped me - it would be my pleasure to help you.

Wishing you all love & blessings on Thanksgiving,

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful Melissa!! We do have so much to be thankful for and most important our knowledge of Christ and his Salvation.
    Happy Thanksgiving!!


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