
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Ok Facebookers.

I'm just not feeling it girls. There is no love between me & Facebook. ;o) I'm sorry. I guess I'm a loner. I don't like it & I can't read the font it's so small! Plus with all these walls, I get all stinkin' confused. Especially when I see your friends comment, but they aren't my friends, & I can't read their own walls - heck, I can barely locate my own wall...& well - just forget it! I quit! Ü

In other news I'm trying to upload a photo of Mercedes looking at our dancing reindeer. Well looky looky - my cf card will not insert into the slot thingy! Love my technology terms? Ü I believe there may be a possibility a miniature got a little too close to my computer. Ultimately damaging the CF thingy. Considering you know how much I love & adore my photos - I'm not a happy camper right now!

Happy Facebooking you crazy people! :)


  1. I love facebook Melissa! It took me awhile to get used to it and at one point I was so confused...but now, it's my social link and primary email account. I've even planned a reunion with about 25 of the girls I went to high school with on facebook...we're getting together in Jan...what a hoot! Never would have happened w/o it. However, aguy from college who used to have a thing for me has found me and he's as yucky now as he was back then...against my better judgement I accepted him as a friend and now, well he's just annoying. I understand your frustration...but for me, it was worth the pursuit. Love ya! A crazy person! : )

  2. You better get your butt back over there to Facebook and hang out with us. We will hunt you down. :)
    It just takes some getting used to....I promise!

  3. So much for quitting Facebook, huh???

  4. I am just going to say HeHe!! You're Funny...
    Love ya Melissa,
    Crazy Facebooker ;-)

  5. No fair, I was just getting ready to come search you out on face fair! :)

    I was the same as you, but now I'm hooked. Most of my high school class is there so that's been cool.


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