
Monday, December 15, 2008

Snug as a bug in a rug.

If you think about it, that little saying is a tad ick. Ü

A few weeks ago we braved the cold & attended our Town Square Christmas Tree Lighting. First year we have ever gone. I was truly disappointed. Bummer. But, I do have high expectations which means it was probably just fine. Ha! They did bring in a 'snow hill' & the kids got to slide down it in a tube. That was fun. Bad thing is, by the time Mercedes & I got back around to where I could take some photos, they were already sliding down so the photos I did get are horrible. :( They loved sliding down the snow hill, though. Yep it was real, packed snow! Right out of a truck! Heehee. Ü

Other than that we watched a lame 'parade of lights' (I call 'em as I see 'em & it was pretty lame ;o). Ü We literally froze our patooties off & unfortunately, we couldn't wait around for Santa to show up. He decided to walk up as we were walking out. I have no idea what took him so long as the parade had ended quite some time prior. I guess the chunky guy is just getting too darn old & probably has severe fibromyalgia. LOL I felt bad that my miniatures couldn't talk/sit with him but the line was unbelievably long & we needed to scadoodle.

Here are just a few photos from that lively event.

Mercedes in the car ready to go - she loves her little Gloworm. We leave her Gloworm solely in the car so every time we head out somewhere, her little face just gets so excited to see it. So cute. :)

Below photo she is actually smiling at the camera. See her right dimple? :) Check out those eyelashes too. She is just now beginning to suck a pacy. I don't think it compares to her two middle fingers though. No topping those for comfort! Plus they are easy to locate in time of need. But she looks cute w/ pacy. :)

Here are four of six waiting patiently for the parade. LOL Cracks me up to call it that - I reckon it was cute. Ü

I thought this was cute of husband in his beanie. I'm sure he'll be thrilled to know I have a photo of him in his 'hat' (plastered on the internet) which I refer to as a beanie. Ü If he's reading this - get off my blog & get to work!

And here is Merc playing with her newly discovered toy. She loves the dishwasher. I let her play with it - heck what do I care. If it makes her happy. :) And she's getting really risky & brave yet quite talented in how she handles all the knives. Heehee.

Time to discuss her hair. O.M.G. At this age (11 months), Jaguar's hair was just now starting to blossom & it was completely controllable & precious. Not Mercedes'. Holy pickles. It doesn't know if it wants to be curly or straight. So it's a bit of both. It doesn't know if it prefers smooth or coarse. So it's a bit of both. It doesn't know if it wants to lay flat on her head, or fly like the wind. So it's a bit of both. When it's wet, the back is actually about 3" down her back. I do believe I'm going to have to kick the hair products in early & pray for the best. ☻♣♦☺☺☺☺ Oh look! I accidently found smileys (& a few others including a deck of cards LOL) when I hit the wrong keys! LOL Yay!! ☺ ☺☻☻♥ ♥ Oh a heart! ♦♣♠•◘○♀♪♫☼►♫↕‼§▬↨↓→↑←∟↔▲
Ok, I got sidetracked. Anyway, if you click on the photo you can see her flyaway hair. Very frightening. And yes, she's still quite...large. Ha! Ü

All photos are taken on Auto with flash. In other words, they're all crappy. ☺☺☺

I do believe we are fixing to receive some freezing rain, so I'm off to peer outside. My life is just one excitement after another. Ü

1 comment:

  1. Oh my...that hair! It looks a lot like my Olivia's, although we've been trimming hers until the back catches up with the top! We've used hair products on her since she was a few months old, just to keep it from breaking off and such. We use Garnier conditioner for daily conditioning, when we don't have anywhere to go. When we are going out, I use "Just for Me" hair creme, which does a good job of conditioning and curling and setting so it looks all sweet on her head. It makes it a lot easier to keep it from frizzing too.


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