
Sunday, January 4, 2009

My little girl is 4.

Her birthday was 01-01-09. I'm late posting. She didn't really enjoy her birthday this year because unfortunately, her birthday is the day she began getting sick. We did the best we could & she loves her presents.

This is the best I could do with photos. She was completely unwilling to cooperate - finally I lost the battle & gave up. I snapped what I could snap & was done. She didn't feel well, I didn't feel well - it just wasn't an ideal day for photos. That's ok.

Now that she is four, it will be interesting to see how her personality & demeanor change. I call her my 'timid tiger'. She is so quiet, she is so shy & bashful. But oh don't be deceived - what is lurking inside is hell on wheels. ☺ She has always been a handful & still is. Having Jaguar around is like having 3 three year olds. Will that change now that she is four? :)

She is still my super tiny girl. She is so sweet & still loves to climb in our lap & rock. She says some of the most off-the-walls things & we all just giggle at her. Then I tell her they have special rooms for her at school. ;o) I can already see that part of her changing as she matures. Just in the last two weeks her speech & sentences have improved. She's growing up.

Still a girly-girl. Anything & everything pink. She requested a "dark pink" cake for her birthday. This year I was unable to fulfill that request so maybe next year. Ü

My precious girl. My 3rd miracle. I adored you the minute I saw you. And I still adore everything about you. My little soft spirit - I love you. Happy Birthday. ☺

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday sweet girl! What a doll



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