
Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I have been reading for a few weeks about professional (not wanna be's) photographers recognizing the fact they don't snap as many photos of their children because they more or less always want the photos to be 'professional'. I do believe I blogged about noticing that I do this very thing myself - even though I am certainly no professional (not even close!). I found it interesting that obviously I'm not the only who picked up on what I consider - a loss. Every now & then I do snap what I previously called a 'quickie shot' (or QS). Meaning, my camera settings were on auto, w/ flash. Quick. Why I didn't refer to those particular photos as snapshots is beyond me. I dunno.

But for me, I'm going to make a distinct effort to take more snapshots. I do not want to miss any moment(s) with my children. None. And honestly, it is so much faster to take a snapshot in 'the moment' than to take the time to adjust all your manual settings. By the time you do that, good possibility the moment is gone. I want to remember that particular moment - I'm not concerned about quality. I want the memory.

(I also found it interesting that I noticed the snapshot discussion mainly on women photographer's sites, but not as much the mens. Maybe because moms take more photos of their children? :)

For example - the below photo. Snapshot.

It's quite evident here that whatever I happened to be doing at the time, I was taking too long. My Mercedes decided to open the server, rip off part of the phonebook, & patiently keep herself happily occupied reading while I tended to my business. Too frickin' stinkin' cute.

This snapshot I will look back on & smile. And that is what my photography, & life, is all about. ☺

*Aren't you impressed that she doesn't even have the pages upside down? :)

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