
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Audi's little modeling job.

This photo will be in an Alco flyer soon. We don't have an Alco local, do you? Audi was in a Tuesday Morning shoot when he was about 9 months old.

I have some projects to wrap up, & then we will be building a portfolio for him to present to Disney. :)

He's so darn cute! ♥ him.

*I've been informed this photo is the unedited (SOOC) version. No wonder he looks so red. ;o) I'll update the photo once color correction/editing has taken place. Ü


  1. So fun! We have an ALCO. There are only two Alco's that I know of. I get the ad, so I'll be sure to watch for it. Do you want me to mail it to you!?!

  2. Aimee thank you! Although Alco is not hubby's customer, he can score lots of advertisements. Thanks for offering! :)

  3. Oh wow! That's really cool! Good luck to Audi!

  4. shut your face! how cute is HEEEE!!!


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