
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Oh happy day!

Lookie lookie! Having a husband who temporarily can't lift anything sure isn't going to stop me! I finally got the sand box & not only that, I lifted & carried (many times) 4 - 50 lb. bags of sand all by myself! Woot! Happy kids. It's just a shame that it's already 175 degrees here (by 9:15 a.m.) & they almost passed out due to heat exhaustion after 15 minutes. Baha! They hit the pool quick. Welcome to North Texas. Ü

My happy place. Our backyard is actually very large, but I relocated the trampoline & toys to this one shaded area. We got rid of our jungle gym years ago (because um, you know, it got like really dirty = really dirty children ;o), but we do have a tire swing to the left of the trampoline. I like looking out to this area & watch my little ones jumping & playing. Just happy. :)

After needing a haircut for about say, 8 months (I think that was a record for me!), I got up this morning & headed to the salon. What is it about a haircut that makes a girl feel like a new person? So fresh & full & bouncy. I ♥ haircuts. As I was leaving, I headed to my car, but my body automatically took an unexpected/unplanned sharp right, right into the nail salon! Look what I got! Woot! Ü

I have not had a pedicure since last year. I give myself my own 'professional' pedi's, so it's not often I treat myself to a salon. Let.Me.Tell.You. The best $22 I've spent in a long time. Every girl should treat herself to a pedi. I know times are tough & I know many can't afford that extra $22 right now. But cut back or cut something out. Search the couch cushions. Have a garage sale. Try to dig up that money. Every girl needs the relaxation & pampering, your toes/feet need the attention, & you deserve it! So often moms tend to everyone else, we don't do much for ourselves. So go. You won't regret it. :)

Now, I know what you're thinking. And yes, I do have the most perfect toes, thankyouverymuch. I have tried to become a toe model for many years now. (It most certainly is true. Ask my husband. And Rebecca, 'cause I'm sure she recalls me making this same statement a while back. LOL) Anyway, no one will hire me. I don't know why. I mean seriously, look at my beautiful, perfectly aligned toes! Beautimous! Oh, quit laughing. Teehee.

Happy weekend! Ü


  1. Yes, I do remember you saying that! Also, it's hard to tell from the picture, but if those toes of yours are sportin' some orangy nailpolish, then you and I are sportin the same color toes LOL!!!

    Rebecca (the one who remembers stuff LOL!!!)

  2. Melissa did you know they make colored sand? They are so, blue, pink & purple!!!! We have blue sand this year & had green last year!!! We got it at walmart! I love to get a pedi it is well worth the $22!! Mine are black with lime green & neon pink polka dots!!! Hey ya only live once!!

    Sonya :)

  3. YAY for the kids getting their sand box and love, love, love the pedi!!

  4. You have the turtle sandbox, I had one of those when I was little. I want to get Ian one. I love pedicures, I believe they are worth every penny. Love the fact that you have a pool.

  5. I am jealous of your pretty toes! I need a pedicure like you wouldn't believe.

    You know...posting pics of your feel remind me of one of the big bloggers...Mck something...

    :-) (had to tease you!)



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