
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday update!

I have received SO many emails & tweets - thank you! Thank you for all your concern & prayers. You guys are so sweet! I'm sorry I haven't been able to update. I'm so exhausted! I'm fixing to hit the shower, but here's a quick update.

The "exploratory" surgery was only because they used a camera! That was comforting to know. The problem definitely was gallstones & the surgery with the 'camera' was a success! Sometimes it doesn't work, & at that point they have to make a large incision, but it went just fine! He has four small incisions. They did some sort of dye procedure to make sure the gallstones didn't drop, & they hadn't, so basically they just removed his gallbladder! Ü

I have never seen a person just out of recovery, & I have to say, that part really threw me for a loop. Thank God my brother-in-law was there & was briefly able to help me with my kids, because when I first saw hubby after surgery, I was very disturbed. That is just awful! He was in a good amount of pain & very nauseous. It was late last night, so I/we quickly made sure he was comfortable & we headed home. I think it was almost 10:00 p.m. when we got home.

His eyes are AWFUL & I'm quite concerned! My stars, he has no whites on his eyes left. It is solid blood! I noticed yesterday his eyes were completely swollen, almost to the point they were starting to close. I asked him if his vision was ok & he rubbed my face & said he could see me fine. Aw. Ü Every nurse/doctor/whomever who saw him prior to surgery all asked "what did you do to your eyes?" The doctor has seen them & made a comment they are "horrible", but didn't say anything further, so I'm assuming in time the broken vessels will dissipate. I think it's going to take quite some time.

He called bright & early this a.m. & said he is feeling very well! Yay! He has been released by the surgeon, but they started him on another iv & he's waiting to be released by another doctor. Hopefully soon we can make the trek back up & pick him up.

He's home all week, which is just going to be a nightmare. As long as he's feeling better, that's all that matters & we'll muddle through.

If you have family and/or friends to help you in situations like this with your children, thank God for them today! You are SO blessed! I can't tell you how insanely difficult this was on myself & my children - but I have no help & they had to go with me. I've explained the best I can to them that sometimes life throws you curve balls & you have to just pony up, put on a brave face & do what you have to do to get 'er done!

Thank you again! Ü


  1. I'm so glad that he's doing better! Thanks for posting the update. Will continue to pray for his quick recovery.

  2. Wow.. so glad he is doing better. Hope things continue to look up.

  3. Melissa, I know we have never met but if you ever get stuck in a jam/pickle like that again, we live so close, I would help you in a heart beat.


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