Not quite 2 1/2 years old yet. I know I've said it before, but I would be so thankful if time would just freeze. She's my last baby & she's growing too fast. She is so precious & I would love for her to stay this age forever. Such a cute age.
She's talking up a storm & has been for quite some time. She said the phrases below at 23 months. She wasn't quite 2. I jotted them down because I thought they were so cute coming from an itty person.
Wipe fell off! Look at that! I help-ed you. Go away! Put sock off? Where Mommy go? Daddy home! Go bye-bye in minute? No! No, mine! I want dat blanket. I want that. I pay'in! (playing) I need hug, pease. Hallo? Bye bye. I want down pease. I take bath bubbles! Don't do that. That tickles. Turn movie on? There it goes! Mickey Mouse! Do it on me. (Put it on me, she meant? Can't remember.) Yah, again. I need taggie. Oh no, I drop it! Give the book to me! Hold dat. That's so funny! Here you go! Yep. Nope. What? I walk! Shup up. (Nice.) Get away! Doggie barking. Read book? Hi puddin'. Balloon, baby! Outta batterwies. Oh my gosh! Shoes on? Don't scare me wike dat! I want some! Watshing a movie. Unbuckle me! Pease hold dis. I pay (play), peaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee? Me princess. My baby. No want kiss. Come on! I woosh (wash) hands. Good!
Naturally, her vocabulary has progressed since that time & there's no way I can document them all down. She speaks clearly & I can understand 95% of what she says. :)
Some quick ones from tonight:
Her: Bleh! Me: What? Her: That 'mell! (smell) LOL I was cleaning my bathroom counter with Seventh Generation & it does not smell pretty. Ü
LET ME DO IT!!! (She screams this often.)
I get it for you! I turn my wadio/fan/nigh light on. Oh. I got it! I need lip stuff! (Lipsmackers :) I do it! Hot Donald's! (McDonald's - we have no clue why she calls it Hot Donald's.) I want drink you coke? I want moeeeeeeee (more). Peaseeeeeeeee? (Please) You welcome. 'Scuse me. I toot! I not poopie. Lets go! Thaz mine! Give it to me! Okay. Goo (good) night Mommy. No wanna go night night! Oh no, I dwop it! It not wooking (working)! I find it! So scary! I wuv you so mush (much)! Goo (good) moening (morning)! Dont want poptart (& many other things). Turn up pease (radio). You no sing!!! (She gets perturbed when anyone else sings besides her.) I cwean (clean) up! I do it! Hold me pease. I need up (to be held). I no (don't) know. I need color ('to' color). Tank you! I put in (it) the frig for you! Turn up pease Mommy. Mine! - don't tush (touch) it!
Yesterday at nap time, I laid down for a few minutes. I had the monitor on. I heard nothing out of the ordinary. A few minutes later, I heard something suspicious. "Bentley, what is that?" "It's the baby! She came downstairs with her pillow & taggie!" She sure did! She was watching tv with Bentley. LOL Cracked me up. She had crawled out of her crib, with her pillow & taggie & trucked them both, including herself, downstairs & to the other side of the house. She crawls in & out of her crib all the time. Time for a big girl bed. Sigh. Ü
She also is a singer. All the time. I have yet to capture her singing on video - I'll try to do that in the next few days. So stinkin' adorable!
My 'Dusty'. (The name the nurses gave her after her birthmother abandoned her & yes, we call her that sometimes. :o) How I treasure every ounce of you. Sweet, sweet baby girl. ♥
*This morning I was greeted by this tiny tyke, who had once again exited her crib & came downstairs. Tonight I will put her crib mattress on the floor (& I'll install a doorknob cover so she can't get out of her room) until I get her a big girl mattress this weekend. If she now going to make a habit of climbing out of her crib, I see no sense in keeping her in there & jeopardizing her getting hurt. Sigh. RIP, beautiful, last-baby crib. :(
Definitely a cutie and she's grown so much!
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