
Thursday, July 29, 2010


Most amazing dog ever! Ü
(Stop snarking at the weeds behind him. I told you we're redoing our landscaping back there. Tsk. Tsk. ;o)

Except for the fact that he is still a horrible car rider.

And the fact that no matter what kind of treats I buy him, nor does it matter how expensive they are, he won't touch them. :)

And the fact that most of the time, he does not sleep thru the night.

Other than that, he really is the most amazing dog ever. He ♥'s the wee ones & we ♥ him. Ü


  1. Mel, what kind of dog is he? He is freaking adorable and although I am not a huge dog person, he makes my heart go pitter patter for a puppy.

  2. Melissa he is just gorgeous and a sweetie! I love him! *Smiles*

  3. He is a cutie!

    I think my dog is the most amazing dog ever...EXCEPT for the fact that it's nearly impossible to take her for a walk...and she is GREAT with Andrew but snaps at other kids, oh and she barks anytime a person walks by our front I guess there are ALWAYS EXCEPTIONS!!! :)


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