
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Audi turned 7!

New Year's Eve - 12.31.10.

He can read his own birthday cards now! And pull out the $10 from Grandma Jan! Ü

A Star Wars Lightsaber from Grandma B.! Ü

Finally, now that he's 7, his own Nintendo DS! Ü

(The few remaining gifts we didn't capture by camera.)

I'm not that frugal - he requested cupcakes! Ü And I have absolutely no idea why in the sam hills he's sitting in Merc's booster! ;o)

A little leery when the flamed 'seven' toppled over...

Quickly rectified by repositioning & relighting. Ü

I am so blessed not only to be his mom, but to be able to encourage, guide, support & love him for all of his days. He's smart. He's focused. He's determined. He's funny. But best of all, he's happy, healthy, caring & so lovable! He drives me c-razy only because we are so alike - but I would never change a thing. I love him to pieces! God's going to take him great places in life & I am honored & excited to witness his journey.

Happy Birthday my sweet, sweet boy! Mom loves you so incredibly much! ♥


  1. Happy Birthday to the sweet boy! He looks like he had a great time and sounds like you all did too!!


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