
Saturday, June 4, 2011

My 1st grader!

She made it! Woot! It was touch & go there for a while, but by george, she kicked it into high gear the last few weeks & she's movin' on up! Ü

She also pulled her own (top) tooth this morning! Not sure how it happened, but I've been assigned the 'designated tooth puller' here in our home. It certainly doesn't thrill me - but nonetheless, I grab those suckers & yank & then almost pass out when it comes out in my hand. Ew. But today, she just yanked that sucker out herself & didn't even come & wake me up. Baha! Doesn't surprise me. This is the same girl that received 4 shots in her legs (simultaneously) when she was younger & never flinched or made a peep. She's tough! :)

1 comment:

  1. YAY for your first grader! Such a cutie with her missing tooth.


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