
Sunday, September 25, 2011


My husband is currently sitting in another country. So as time allows, especially with the time difference, we've been doing this:

He is exhausted. No sleep in 24 hours. I'm just about as exhausted as he is & I haven't gone anywhere. ;o)

He doesn't return until Thursday & even though I'm currently trying to post every day or so, it may not happen this week. But I'll try. :) I have decided to try something new & attempt to sell some beautiful, reversible, solid gold, pierced earrings via my blog. I have sold a lot of jewelry in the past via eBay, but never my blog. Might as well give it a go, no? I have them all clean & shiny, so I'll try to find the time in the next few days to get them photographed & posted.

Happy new week! Get some sleep for me! Ü

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