
Friday, February 10, 2012

Well, there it is. No stains.

Do you read resolved2worship? In her most recent post, she made this statement:

"Seriously, how long do you wait to live? And does it really matter? Truly? So what if it gets something on it. YOU LIVED!

Do you get to the end of your life and say, "Well, there it is. No stains."

Amen sister, amen! LOVE this! I now totally focus on this direction for our lives & I strive for it every single day. I love it! I just wish I would have realized this concept of a blessing years ago! So much time & energy wasted on stupid stuff. Life is short & the stupid stuff isn't worth, & never has been worth, the time & recognition it receives.

I know I sound like a broken record but today is the day to start living! ♥

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