
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Fighting the urge.

I've been browsing quilts. Because I learned the hard way that taking soft, fluffy blankets outside to lie on in the grass is just well, dumb. It's not just people who like those soft, fluffy blankets. It's also grass, leaves, sticks, stickers, weeds & dirt. So I decided that a quilt would work best & because of the material, would be less 'sticky'. :)

During my I really, really, really need a cheap quilt search, I discovered this:

Be still my beating heart. Beautiful! It also comes with a $90 price tag. And I think it might be just a tad too fancy dancy to drag out into the grass, dirt & crud. But I'm unsure. So I'm praying about it. Ahem.

(Can you imagine wrapping up in this beauty on a cold, winter night? Oh good glory. Heaven.)

Quilt here.


I found another pretty! A little more affordable at $65. Looks a little rough & tough & more appropriate to drag around in dirt.

Quilt here.

Never in my life would I have dreamt that I would be quilt shopping. Or posting them on my blog. Why am I posting them on my blog? Funny.

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