
Friday, July 27, 2012

Beautiful, clean, disinfected floors without using chemicals!

This has been a day! Whew! I washed my kitchen floor today & wanted to show before & after photos. Geeze. I literally spent TWO stinkin' hours just trying to get good photos (& it only took me 15 minutes to wash the floor! Ha!)! I was so aggravated! I opened the curtains, I closed the curtains. I turned the light on, I shut the light off. I used the flash on the camera, I shut the flash off. Grr! This is the best I could do!

This is my high traffic area - six people, three dogs, a pool, Texas dry grass & dirt - it is challenging to keep clean.



I wash all of my floors (hardwood/ceramic tile/real marble) with Shaklee's Basic H. I wanted to disinfect, so today I added a 'splash' of Basic G. I don't measure anymore - these products are concentrated, so I just added a few drops of Basic H & I poured in just a tiny tad of Basic G.

Evidently, I washed the floor & took photos at the wrong time of the day. When we came in tonight, once the sun had moved, the clean & the shine are beautiful! As a matter of fact, my husband commented on how good it looks the minute we walked in! That's just my luck. :)

*To clean floors with Basic H, the rule of thumb is 1 tblsp. per gallon. My bucket is 10 quarts = 2.5 gallons. So, originally when I began using Basic H, I added 2 tblsp to hot water. Oh holy bubbles, batman! Good Lord have mercy, I've never seen so many bubbles! Ha! So now, I just add some drops & it works perfectly. :)

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