*Update - As of today, August 29, 2014, I still have not received my money. All the while watching others Instagram what a "fabulous" & "giving" person she is. Makes me sick. Totally makes me sick. "Fabulous" & "giving" people don't take money from others & lie about it. I mean come on -
I sent stuff to HER home & SHE signed for it! Doesn't get any clearer than that.
*Update - As of today, February 6, 2014, I still have not received my money from Becki. Once I asked her to confirm her mailing address, I never heard from her again. She had begun to correspond with me again, up until that point. I sent a certified letter, asking very nicely for my money back, which was ignored. Very disheartening, very unprofessional. She knows she has my products & she knows they were delivered to her home, just like the certified letter receipt that SHE signed for. I don't believe in treating people wrong. I don't believe in dishonesty. I do deserve my money back & suffice to say, by now, that ain't gonna happen. I have considered small claims court & my husband wants me to pursue it. I have declined. I'll just chalk this up to lesson learned. Know this - no matter what one's reputation, you never know what goes on behind closed doors. Very few know she screwed me out of money. Good possibility I wasn't the first, good possibility I won't be the last.
In July 2012, I opened my own Shaklee business. Often times, Distributors will partner with bloggers, who agree to do a product review for them, to help spread the word. In October of 2012, I contacted Mrs. Becki Crosby, aka 'Whippy Cake', & asked if she would be interested in doing a Shaklee review for me. My first review ever! She agreed to do it. Little did I know, our journey would result in dishonesty, disappointment & loss of money. And that happened to me. Mrs. Crosby, on the other hand, never put any effort to write the review for me, as she agreed to do, has over $50 in amazing Shaklee cleaners that will ultimately, probably last her over a year. And now, she will no longer communicate with me. At this stage of the game, she refuses to return my products or refund my money. You know what? That ain't right. And it doesn't need to happen to anyone else. So I am disclosing all information I have, so this unprofessional, inexcusable incident doesn't happen to anyone else.
First, let me show you what I shipped to her. I spent a lot of time putting this package together. I even included 2 bags of chocolates! No, never one time did she, or "Aimee", or "Kaitlyn" mention the chocolates. Which I found odd.
I have copied all email correspondence between myself & Becki Crosby, and/or her 'coordinators'.
My emails have the pink text color.
Her emails have the blue text color.
Oct. 8, 2012:
Good evening Becki! My name is Melissa (you probably figured that out from my email address, heh?) & I'm a 'somewhat new' follower of yours! I found you through Shelley Smith @ House of Smith's & oh goodness, you make me smile. You are so cute, your family is precious & with so much negativity & depressing news now-a-days - it's just so nice to find someone who makes others happy! You are truly a breath of fresh air. And can I just add, I love the name Whippy Cake!! :)
I am a Shaklee Independent Distributor & I'm emailing to inquire if you would be interested in doing a review on some of Shaklee's amazing, all-natural cleaning products. I'm new at this & I have no idea if you even participate in things such as this! So please forgive me if I'm intruding or if there are do's & don't's that I haven't followed. If you are interested, here's what I would do. In a week or so, I would send you a nice goodie package, containing some of the most popular cleaning products for you to try, & then ask you to blog (briefly - it wouldn't need to be elaborate) about your experience. All of the products would be yours to keep! The products are actually phenomenal; all-natural cleaning products that are proven effective, actually work & they're safe! And, much less expensive than store/commercial brands. Shaklee even has disinfectant, Basic G, that kills everything! Actually, Basic G kills 32 pathogens, while Lysol only kills 8 pathogens. If you desire more information, just let me know. I can get you whatever you need. Also, if you want to peek at my blog - http://www.adoringthesimple.com.
I truly love Shaklee & whether I market the products or not, I will always continue to use them. I want my children using them! They are just that great & so is the company! With all the toxins & pollution & junk in our world, I'm just trying to get the word out about these awesome, all-natural products. Please know, I'm fully aware of your busy schedule, so if you are not interested, please, I totally understand! You will not hurt my feelings at all! Just let me know.
Thank you for your time, & 'Whippy' on, girl! :)
Oct. 27, 2012:
Thank you for your e-mail. So so sorry it has taken us so long to respond. Things for Becki have been very busy since the launch of her recent collection. Becki is interested in doing a review for you! She wants all those that she does reviews for know, that if she has a negative experience with the product, she will not review it on her blog. But, she said that rarely happens, and I'm sure it wont happen with you. We just like to let everyone know that there could be a possibility of that happening. Her address is : xxxx x xxxxx xx
Gilbert, AZ 85295-3418
Thank you so much for your time, and we look forward to hearing from you. Have a great day!
Oct. 27, 2012:
Hi there! Thank you so much for your response & for being so sweet to do a review for me! I completely understand, & totally agree with, the decision to not post about the products, if your experience is not a positive one. Honesty is always the best policy! I am more than ok with that! I will put together a cute little package for you & will mail it out in the next week or two, at the latest. Again, I am so honored & I thank you so much! Have a wonderful weekend! :)
"Honesty is always the best policy" I wrote. How ironic.
Nov. 4, 2012:
Hi Becki! I am almost completely ready to mail my Shaklee products for you to review! I just have one little issue - in your email to me, you gave me your address, but you didn't include your last name. 😉 I did some googling & I think your last name is xxxxxxx, but I thought I would confirm before shipping the package. You should receive the package at the end of this coming week! Thanks so much! 😊
Nov. 4, 2012:
Becki's last name is Crosby :)
Nov. 4, 2012:
LOL Oh dear! Thank goodness I asked! Thank you! :)
Notice from Nov. 4, 2012 - April 28, 2013, there is no correspondence between us. I was giving her time. Haha!
April 28th:
Hi Becki! I sent this email to you a few days ago & then it dawned on me - you get so many emails, you probably didn't even read it yet! So I changed the subject line, hoping it would catch your attention. I cannot imagine how many emails you receive! Below is the original email.
Hi Becki! Gosh, you are SO busy, & now pregnant with your 4th baby (Congratulations! So exciting!) & not feeling well, I truly hate bothering you! But thought it was time I check in.
You agreed to do a Shaklee review for me back in November & I mailed you a big ol' box of yummy products! I know you run crazy, so I'm not even sure you have opened the box yet. Heck, maybe you changed your mind?!
There is certainly no time frame - I just thought I'd check in & see what your situation is or how you feel about doing the review. Please, if you have run out of time or changed your mind, just let me know! I totally understand. You are a (not feeling well) girl in high demand!
Hope you are somewhat feeling better! I've never carried a baby (my 4 are adopted), but I can't imagine feeling icky on a daily, or almost daily, basis. Holler back at me when you have a chance & have a wonderful weekend!
Notice above, I am giving her an 'out'. Change your mind? Too busy? All she had to do was be honest & it never would have escalated to this point.
April 29th:
Hi Melissa!
We did use your products It's only been about 2 weeks since we have finished using all the products. Thanks for emailing me!
I wanted to run a few things by you, to make sure you wanted us to review Shaklee. It's up to you! We have plenty of good things to say about the germicide, and the Basic H2. Those products were lovely. They smelled nice and fresh, and we liked them very much. But I didn't have much luck with the dishwashing soap, and scrubbing paste. There was a lot of residue left behind in both cases, and I had to re-run the dishwasher to get the dishes clean, and the soap off of them.
Just checking with you. We can write a review for the products we like, if you want? Or do the whole thing?
Let me know!
You see here, I'm beginning to be a tad confused & skeptical about who I'm really emailing with.
April 29th:
Hi Becki! Or Aimee! Who am I talking to? LOL :)
Thank you for your response! I'm sorry you didn't have a good experience with all the products! That makes me sad. I was hoping you would just love them all! Can you give me any other details? Did you like the window cleaner? What about the degreaser, did you try that one? Or did you only use the all-purpose? The dishwasher concentrate leaves me totally baffled! In all my time marketing Shaklee, I have never heard of the soap remaining on dishes! I even conducted my own experiment, using 20 back to back washes, & I never ran across that problem! I'm so sorry that happened to you. Occasionally, it will get trapped in the little cup dispenser, if you don't let your hot water run for a few minutes before running the dishwasher, but other than that, no one has ever mentioned soap being on the dishes. I'm so sorry. What did you use the Scour Off on? There is always residue with that one, because it 'scrubs' & makes a good paste. You have to add lots of water to condense it & then rinse it all down thoroughly. The Basic H & the Basic G (disinfectant) are amazing & I'm so happy you liked those!!
You can just do a review on the products you like & ignore the rest. If you only liked the H & G, just do the review on those. If you've tried any of the others since & like them better, you can add those. Please just leave off any of the products you truly didn't like.
Again, thank you SO much for your time & for reviewing these products for me! I know how busy you are & I know you don't have a lot of time for 'extras'. So I thank you so very much for helping me!
Notice in the below email, she answered none of my questions (in the above email) re: the products. At this point, I doubted if any of the products were even used.
May 6th:
Hi there! I responded to this email 7 days ago, but haven't heard back from you. Could you please check your spam folder (maybe it went in there?) & then holler back at me? Ready to get this show on the road! I know you are, too. Let me know our next step! Thank you!! :)
May 13th:
I must have clicked it with out knowing because my inbox said it was received. So sorry! We will write the review this week. Becki and I both have little ones getting out of school for the summer this week and next, so there is a lot to do. It's on the calendar. It will just be a few more days.
May 13th:
Thank you so much Aimee!! :)
May 15th:
With everything going on, I am having trouble getting to your review. I think it would be safer to expect it next week. Whippy Cake has an event this Friday and it is taking more time than expected to put it together. I'm sorry. Just giving you a heads up.
May 15th:
Thank you! Good luck & have fun! :)
July 6th:
Hi Aimee! I wanted to run something by you & see if you can help.
Shaklee is currently running an amazing special, for the month of July only, where they are waiving the $19.95 membership fee. Anyone, who places ANY order/any amount can join for free! This is a lifetime membership & does not ever, ever need to be renewed. So anyone who orders will save $19.95! Shaklee does not run this special often, so it's a great time for those who want to join to do so for free. Special ends July 31st.
Is there any way you can get the review up? It does NOT have to be elaborate, it does not have to be long - just anything about the products you (and/or Becki) liked? It doesn't matter to me how long or short it is & you don't have to spend a lot of time on it - I know how busy you guys are! Just anything so those who may be interested can take advantage of the free membership.
Let me know & have a fantabulous weekend! :)
The above email was pretty much it for me. I was so completely disappointed my email went ignored (as you can see, she/they/whotheheckever only responded when she/they/whotheheckever wanted to. I was so crushed that I was not able to offer the free membership special Shaklee was offering. It truly was at this time that I knew I was wasting my time. This is when I decided to call off the review. Which honestly, was never 'on' to begin with.
Aug. 18th:
Good evening! I hope my email finds you doing & feeling well!
Thought I'd send a quick email letting you know that I've come to the conclusion my Shaklee review is not going to be completed - so at this point, I'd like to just call the whole thing off. I was so excited that you - a popular, well thought of & admired blogger - offered to do a product(s) review for me! Not just to help me grow my new business, but to help others live healthier, as well. It's quite obvious, you are entirely too busy to follow through & quite honestly, I'm tired of thinking about it. When I contacted you last month, asking you to do a review, short & simple, just please, get something up so people could take advantage of the amazing free membership Shaklee was offering & you didn't even respond, I knew this was all just a waste of time.
I'd ask you return the products, but I'm sure you don't have time for that, either. Please know, honesty will always triumph not keeping your word. If you are too busy, heck, if you are uninterested, speak the truth. Just say so. $70 may not be a lot of money to you, but as a new business owner, that's a lot of money to me. If you had just been honest, I wouldn't have wasted the money & bothered you with all the products. And two bags of chocolates I thought you might enjoy.
Wishing all the best to you & your adorable family!
Aug 29th:
Hi Melissa,
I'm very sorry that you are upset and unhappy about your review that you thought was supposed to be done, but Becki never received any product from you, and we are not sure who you sent your product to? What product did you send her, and when was it sent? Please let me know so we can hopefully get this cleared up. Thank you.
Kaitlyn? Where's Aimee? What a convenient time for the need to change 'coordinators'. You can see in the email below, that I really start to get upset & lose my professional tone. I wish I hadn't done that, but I did. I mean, really. Nonetheless, I caught myself & reeled my professionalism back in.
Aug. 29th:
Hi Kaitlyn! This is really quite comical! Becki most certainly did receive the products (they were mailed to her home & I have confirmation) but not just that - SHE TOLD ME SHE USED THEM! Haha! Please, at this point, just return my products. I'm assuming the box has never been opened, which totally makes sense as to why she didn't answer my questions regarding the products she claimed she didn't really like. I have all of our email exchanges - this is so embarrassing for her - please, just return my unopened products. Thank you so much!
Below is the email I received from Aimee -
Hi Melissa!
We did use your products It's only been about 2 weeks since we have finished using all the products. Thanks for emailing me!
I wanted to run a few things by you, to make sure you wanted us to review Shaklee. It's up to you! We have plenty of good things to say about the germicide, and the Basic H2. Those products were lovely. They smelled nice and fresh, and we liked them very much. But I didn't have much luck with the dishwashing soap, and scrubbing paste. There was a lot of residue left behind in both cases, and I had to re-run the dishwasher to get the dishes clean, and the soap off of them.
Just checking with you. We can write a review for the products we like, if you want? Or do the whole thing?
Let me know!
Aug. 29th:
As you can see from the messages below, that those were not in fact from Becki herself, but her previous Assistant Aimee who no longer works for Becki. Becki was having some problems with her and has since let her go. Becki did not use your cleaning products, but it's quite obvious from the emails, that Aimee used them herself. To be quite honest, Becki would have never agreed to do a review on cleaning products. She is a Stylist and she blogs about clothes, hair, and makeup. Cleaning products would not be something her followers would would be interested in hearing about from her and from her blog anyway. I'm very sorry that you are upset, and I apologize for how this has turned out, but Becki herself does not have, nor did she use your products.
Becki "does not have" the products? But wait just a minute. I shipped the products to the exact address that Aimee gave me! (In the 2nd email above, in red.) How is it possible Becki "does not have" the products? Did she move?
Aug. 29th:
Wow! Unbelievable! So, Becki's address is not: xxxx x xxxxx xx, Gilbert, AZ 85295? Because that is where the products were shipped & I have confirmation the delivery was made.
Thank you!
As you can see, she was busted, so she never responded. Again. To anything. As you can see below, I even tried again.
Aug. 30th:
Checking in! Is xxxx x xxxxx xx, Gilbert, AZ 85295 not Becki's home? If I was given the wrong information, it's very important that I know. I spent a lot of time & a lot of money putting the large package together, as well as shipping it, & I want to try to recoup my losses. Please let me know promptly!
Thank you!
And that was the end of that & that is where we stand today.
In my final attempt to receive reimbursement, I mailed a certified letter to the same address (which yes, most certainly IS Becki's address) -
Mrs. Becki Crosby (aka 'Whippy Cake')
xxxx x xxxxx xx
Gilbert, AZ 85295-3418
Mrs. Crosby:
On 9.4.13, I sent an email requesting reimbursement for the Shaklee products I sent to you when you agreed to do a review for me. I don't know what went on between you & "Aimee", & that's your business; all I know is a representative from your email address was in contact with me. As I'm sure you are aware, you are responsible for your employees, just as I am mine. Not only that, but your direct contact email address was used.
Below you will find that particular email, which also includes all products that were included in your package. I also listed the prices. To say I am disappointed would be an understatement & truly, it's very upsetting, as all of this could have been avoided. I take my job very seriously, as I'm sure you do, too, & I spent a lot of time & money putting your package together. As a new business owner, & mother of 4 young children, I'm sure you'll understand when I say $75 is a lot of money to me. That $75 would provide shoes for one or two of my children. I am sincerely asking for reimbursement. I'm sure you would be doing the same if you were in my shoes.
As you are aware, I am mailing this certified letter to the very same address I mailed your package. You received the package at your home & what happened to the package after that concerns me none. We know it was opened, as "Aimee" mentioned exact products in the box. And, of course, I have delivery confirmation. Again, I'm sure you understand why I'm asking for a full refund.
My address for reimbursement is listed below.
Thank you for your time & I wish you & your family all the best!
Email sent & disregarded 9.4.13:
Good morning! At this time, I am requesting full reimbursement for the Shaklee products & shipping that I paid upon Becki Crosby's administration agreeing to provide a Shaklee review for me. As we know, that review was never completed & the review will never be completed.
A list of all products & their prices (the prices I paid - not retail prices)
Basic H $10.35
Basic G $17.30
Dish Washer Concentrate $9.50
Scour Off $7.25
Set of 3 spray bottles $6.90
2 large bags of chocolates - no charge
Shipping to Gilbert, AZ $23.75
Total: $75.05
Thank you for helping me resolve this matter promptly. After ten long months, I am ready to put this issue behind me & move forward. I'm sure you understand.
Please mail reimbursement to:
The certified letter notice, which cost me $6.00 more dollars (ugh) to send, was left at their home on 9.26.13. As of today, 10.2.13, the certified letter has never been claimed. I think (not 100% positive) that on the notice the usps left, it has my zip code on it. Which makes sense as to why it has not been claimed. Becki knows my zip code, from the package itself & then also in one of the above emails. So she has decided to ignore it, like she has the last few emails I sent her. And the review.
And for additional fun -
In the 2nd email above, notice how there is no name signed, but there is a " xoxo "? Yet, towards the end of our coorespondence, whomever I'm emailing with tries to imply that Becki never knew a thing about any of this? (Again, even I mailed the huge package to her house!) Well, funny thing here. Just the other day, Whippy did a little post on Instagram. And guess how she signed her post? Let me show you:
With some X's and an O's! Is that not the craziest thing? Wink, wink.
Oh, & just so we all understand that Becki does do reviews, I took a screen shot of the page on her website where it states she does provide this service:
So there you have it. I included absolutely everything in this blog post. I left out no information at all, & nothing was altered in any way, except for my personal information & her street address. (I did leave out one thing. I just noticed I forgot to post the photo of the delivery confirmation I received when the package was delivered to her home. If anyone desires to see it, I'll be happy to post it.)
What happened to me doesn't need to happen to anyone else. Like I said in my email, as a new business owner, $100 is a lot of money to me. But more importantly - this isn't how you to treat people! My God, just be honest! I gave her an out. All she had to do was be honest! I feel confident enough to say, she lied to me. Several times. And I'm pretty sure you came to the same conclusion.
All in all - with the products (after viewing the photos, I discovered I also sent her the Basic G bottle & I didn't have that included in the $75.05 total), paper, chocolates, ink, the certified letter = almost $100.00.
I just want my money. And seeing how dishonest she is, I think it's time to just write it off. Because we all know, I'll never see it.
No one deserves to be out $100 because of an unethical & unprofessional person.
And after it's all said & done -
I truly do wish her & her family all the best.
*Certified letter was delivered!
"On October 9, 2013 , 4:39 pm
GILBERT, AZ 85296"
Whippy now has a new, precious baby girl & I hope once they are home & settled she will make this situation right & reimburse my money. That would make me very happy. :)