
Monday, February 18, 2008

Mercedes' weight gain.

I have another post to do, but I wanted to post this information so I wouldn't forget. :)

Mercedes, as you know, has gained weight quickly. Audi was a fat, chubby baby. So cute & so fat (I prayed for that, by the way :). I pulled his baby check ups to see if he gained as quickly as Mercedes. He did. :)

Audi -

At 2 weeks - 6 lbs. 10 oz. (He was 6.0 when born)
At 2 months (which Mercedes will be in 2 weeks) - Audi weighed 11 lbs. 3 oz.
At 4 months - he jumped to 16 lbs. 4 oz.
Keep in mind too, Audi had very, very severe reflux. Medication did not help him, so basically he put on this weight while barely keeping any formula down.

Mercedes -

At 2 weeks - 7 lbs. 4 oz. (She was 6.6 when born)
At 1 month - 8 lbs. 12 oz.
She is now 6 weeks so she is somewhere around 10 lbs.
Mercedes also has severe reflux, but is on daily medication. This baby now takes medicine 7 times a day!

Also to note is the amount of formula Mercedes is drinking. Typically, babies drink 18-24 oz. from the get go. No, we have not been feeding her 40 oz. of formula a day. :) Because she is sleeping thru the night now, she is getting 5 feedings a day, increased to 5 oz. According to the 2 month check up information, at 2 months babies typically get 24-32 oz. She just now is at 25 oz., so to me, she is getting just the right amount. :)

Ok...I'll do another post tomorrow. Finally - we get to get out tomorrow! We haven't been out of this house in 4 weeks because of illnesses. We are READY to go somewhere, even if it is to Wal-Mart! Yeehaw! My little Audi is thrilled. He said "oh good, I'm weady for some fwesh air." :)

There Missy - now we both should feel better. :) :)

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