
Friday, February 15, 2008


Oh my gosh you guys, I feel like a ton of bricks has been lifted off my shoulders.

First off, thank you to everyone for praying for our Mercedes, & thank you all for the wonderful, encouraging comments & emails. I can't tell you how much your prayers, comments & emails have meant to me & my family. Sometimes I doubt if there really are any good people left in our world & never again will I doubt that there are not. There are! It is an honor to be associated with you ladies. :)

Mercedes' appointment was early this a.m. & believe it or not we got an amazing doctor! I love, love, love him & that is very unusual for me as I tend to shy away from male doctors. Well honestly, males in general. :)

He started Mercedes on thyroid medication today. Charlene - it's the same medication your son is on. :) In 2 weeks we go back for an ultrasound. At that time, we will know if this condition is temporary or lifelong. Worse case scenario (at this time) is that she will be on medication for the remainder of her life. I'll take it! So many other families are put through so much more & it's heartwrenching. We are blessed that we are only dealing with a thyroid issue.

The other thing that remains unknown is if we "caught" this in time & began treatment in time. The thryroid is very crucial to brain development, but the dr. wasn't overly concerned. Fortunately, Mercedes is on track for a baby her age. At 5 weeks there's not much to be on track with (such as focusing on faces, tracking objects, etc.) but at least for now she is where she should be. He assured us we did everything right & said we probably couldn't have gotten her in any sooner without all the bloodwork that needed to be done prior. That was reassuring.

So now we continue to pray. We adore this little girl & whatever God has in store for her, we are in it for the long run. It doesn't matter what is tossed our way (with any of our children) - God has chosen this path for us & we will walk the walk. Unconditionally.

So again, I thank you all. And now before I get all sappy, I'll sign off & go feed my peanut. :)

**Forgot to mention, that the dr. said Mercedes' weight gain is not related to her thyroid. My little peanut weighed 9 lbs. 12 oz. today! Huh?!?! That is a one pound weight gain since Monday! Four days! Now keep in mind the scales are not the same as our pediatrician's, but come on now! She needs to go on a diet! :) I guess her not having many clothes was a blessing in disguise - I have a funny feeling she wouldn't have worn that smaller size for long. :) And did I tell you she has slept 7 hours at night for 2 nights in a row now? What a doll. :)


  1. Praise God for his blessings in your life!! I'll will keep praying for you guys. Caibry is just precious as are all of your babies you have been blessed with. God did choose you and your hubby to care for them and He will direct whatever path you have ahead of you.
    Have a wonderful weekend!!

  2. So good to hear Melissa. Prayer works!
    You go hug that little girl now!
    Love ya

  3. Hi
    I am so glad to hear that they have started her on the med my son is are right be happy that is all :)---my son will be on it for the rest of his life (he also has DS) but it is no big deal as long as the dose is monitored so that it is what she needs to develop "normally"
    Take care and you are all in our prayers:)

    Charlene :)

  4. Melissa, I have been thinking about this and looked up all my kids' weights and that weight gain seems fast to me too.

    How much formula is she taking in a day?

  5. I am SO glad to hear this!! I will of course continue praying for Miss Caibry, and I am thrilled to hear about her weight gain. You saw our Lily, you know how we love the chubby babies:)


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