This adorable, tiny person puts her little hands in fists, straightens out her arms, & does one mean mini, loud, blood curdling scream & then she's done. I think she gets that from her daddy. ;o)
At almost 8 months old she can drink out of a sippy cup like a pro, she can stand alone without support, she says "dada", she can spit like nobody's business & she's beginning to cruise furniture. Grow my little flower, grow. Ü
Oh.My.GOsh! she is so beautiful!! Even when she's screaming her cute little head off :)
She is just the cutest thing...I know I always say this but I want to just squeeze her. She looks like a good cuddle baby=)
i precious....even throwing a fit LOL!
She has the most perfect features.....
She is ahead of the the game.....Drinking from a sippy? Boy, are we behind or what? LOL!
She does look really grown up in the last photo! Hows the earring situation going? I noticed she has one in still- is the other still in?
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