
Monday, November 10, 2008

The chase.

First I chase her. Often. :)

Then she chases me while I vacuum. :)

I've never had a baby that loves the vacuum. It's quite annoying actually. Ha! I don't accomplish much. Ü

No more chasing. :) Yep, that's a sheet I keep over my carpet in the family room. With her drooling & occasional spit up, I felt the need to protect our carpet from permanent damage. The sheet sure is ugly, but it sure is working. Ü (Katie, she's sucking her two fingers here. :)

Mercedes is 10 months old now. She still is not walking, but all she needs to do is let go. She's walking behind toys & she'll walk with Bentley. The rest of us, not so much. Well, just to be clear, we do walk with Bentley, but Mercedes won't walk with us. :)

She certainly hasn't dwindled any in size. ;o) She currently weighs a tad over 25 lbs. & is almost 30" long. To say the least, she is h.e.a.v.y. In the photo below, she's eatin' chickin'! The real deal. Loves it. Tonight she had a fishstick. She's putting those 8 teeth to good use. :) I have a feeling she'll be weaned off baby food soon. And boy does she have an appetite. She's down to 5 1/2 oz. per feeding but that doesn't seem to matter. Heeheee... Ü

She says "uuuhhhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" & "mamama". That's it for now. No more "dada". She doesn't wave, but there's no need to. ;o) Her giggle is infectious & she'll now push your hands off when you're tickling her. I must learn soon how to upload videos. Just haven't had the time.

She gets cuter by the day & honestly, I didn't think that was possible.

Love my little blessing. Ü

(Photos taken on Auto w/ flash.)


  1. it sounds like she and jade are about the same size, but jade is 16 months...STILL not walking though.

    i'm hoping the chase isn't mutually bare-bottomed!?!

  2. I know I say this every single time, but she is SO cute. I mean ridiculously beautiful. Sounds like she and Lily could have a great time sweeping. It is super cute, but I hear you, it's a pain. Sweeping our floors takes me triple the time now that Miss Lil is involved:)


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