
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I voted!

For McCain!
All this time I've been an Obama supporter. I don't know you guys. It's weird. All of a sudden, I changed my mind? The day of? Wait, I do know. God spoke. I listened. And when I'm convicted of something, I act. I don't question (or I try not to but hey, I am human :). I know I made the right vote for me. Ü
Ironic how He showed me the "one sentence" just in the nick of time. :)
Oh Lynn's going to be so proud of me! Just wait till she reads this! Ü
If you voted for Obama, you did what was right for you. I still love you just the same. Heck, I was with you until today. LOL I applaud you for voting! :)
Now we wait.

(Why is Blogger running all my paragraphs together? That was supposed to be all spaced out & pretty!)


  1. yay! i prayed for voters just like you. i'm sure that's what did it :)

  2. Good for you for following your heart, and being open to God's word. Of course I didn't vote for McCain, as I felt compelled to vote for Obama, but I applaud anyone who votes for whom they feel is right for them.

  3. Rebecca I feel like I jumped ship on ya! LOL :)

  4. YAY!!!! I am so proud...hehe.
    Look I am not impressed but so much in either candidate. I simply, for me of course, voted based on my beliefs and morals as a Christian. I have to be obedient to God's word.
    In saying this I feel as if whoever wins needs to be continually prayed for. Our country needs to be continually prayed for. My hope lies in the Lord not in man and not in government.
    It is a personal decision and I as a very proud Christian, Jesus Freak and Holy Roller (haha) love everyone even those that voted for =)

  5. I am all smiles:) What a great choice you made!! For our children we must show them the strength in our foundations and beliefs for the most special acts that gave us the opportunity to be parents. We are winners and know that I feel comfortable with my decision!!

  6. what a pleasant surprise! Now....does that mean you actually hope he wins? LOL?

  7. I'm shocked! I actually delayed my arrival to read your blog cause I didn't want to read about Obama's win...I'm shocked. I told my Em this morning that no matter who wins, God is in control and Jesus is our King! Good for you Melissa...but I still can't believe it! :0


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