Congratulations on your Presidency! I know you have lots of plans & goals to accomplish over the next four years. Please know I will be praying for you, & your family as well.
Mr. President, I would like to ask you, if you don't mind, if you plan on holding another 'open to the public' shindig anytime in the near future? Because, you know, you're "neighborly like that" & I'm a neighbor! I live in the great state of Texas, but I'm a fellow American; therefore, I'm a neighbor.
I inquire because I would so like to attend your next 'open to the public' party. Will I be coming alone? No Mr. President, I won't. I'm glad you asked.
See Mr. President, I will be bringing along one of my four children. This particular child has always been interested in our country's history, as well as Washington, & I think it would be an extremely exceptional experience for my child. The chance of a lifetime! So my husband & I have decided that said child will come along with me. My child will love it & will be so thrilled!
I do have a favor, if you don't mind, Mr. President. I'm sure no one has ever asked this of you, or even contemplated it. I'm wondering if you wouldn't mind allowing my child the privelege to stay with you & your family, at the White House, just for a short time, while I complete a business venue? My child would be so blessed learning all he can about you & the White House.
I can promise you that my child will be absolutely no bother to you, your family or your staff. I have an amazingly well-behaved child. My child is so precious! You will fall in love with my child immediately & I guarantee you will have a blast! Upon my returning, you will thank me for being able to spend time with my child. You will confirm what I, as a parent, already know. You will tell me how awesome & beautiful my child is. You will tell me that you are so impressed with my child's knowledge! You will tell me how smart, vibrant, intelligent, witty, well-mannered, adorable, funny, imaginative, respectful, full of life & energetic my child is. And you will be exactly correct! My child was definitely hand-picked by God. I love & treasure my child so much! I know you understand that because you are a parent yourself. There are no words to describe loving a child.
You see, Mr. President, my child was adopted. As a matter of fact, all four of my children were adopted by my husband & myself. But this particular child, my child that you got to enjoy & fall in love with in such a short amount of time, was once to be aborted. While still in the womb, his birthmother visited an abortion clinic in hopes of ending her pregnancy. In hopes of finding a solution to her pain. She was ready to make a decision she would have regretted for the rest of her life. Her pain was yet to come.
My child's birthmother, by the grace of God, got up & walked out of that abortion clinic, Mr. President. My child's birthmother, instead, gave birth to my priceless, beautiful child that you spent time with. She chose life, Mr. President, & not murder. My child you spent time with was about to be killed & you, Mr. President, wouldn't have been blessed with his presence. My husband & I wouldn't be parents to said child, & we wouldn't have had the highest honor of meeting our child's birthparents & help them out of a stressful situation. My child is a pure blessing, Mr. President, on many levels & in more ways than one.
You see, Mr. President, I used to be Pro-Choice also. For many, many years. I thought the exact way you do. I was raised that way. And then, Mr. President, I met God. I learned the Bible. And I learned & believe in my heart that God is the only One to call a baby home. God made every life, Mr. President. And I feel confident enough to say, I don't believe God takes His job lightly. It is not a choice, sir, for one to make such a drastic decision to end what God so graciously created.
Mr. President, I pray you reconsider your position. You are in control, Mr. President, to make some decisions to help the helpless live, like my child did. Mr. President, fetus' don't have a voice. My child did not have a voice. His birthmother was my child's voice. And she made the absolute perfect decision! I'm sure it was an extremely difficult decision, but she did what was right. Not what was easy. Mr. President, not only would you save a life, which God created, you will help women all around the world breathe easier. Because once they make the decision to commit such a horrendous act, they have to live with their choice forever. And so many of these women can't see that far in advance. They would thank you, from the bottom of their heart, Mr. President. You see, Mr. President, committing murder doesn't just affect the unborn child. It also involves a hurting woman.
I pray for you, Mr. President. As does my beautiful child you had the privelege of meeting. Can you imagine my child dead, Mr. President? No? I can't either. But because of current laws, a procedure could have been performed to kill him instantly. I pray you have a change of heart, sir. And Mr. President, it is never, never too late to change your mind and/or stance of any situation.
One last thought, Mr. President. Without human life, with all due respect sir, your position of Presidency would be completely non-existent & unnecessary. As well as all of your plans & goals.
Myself & my entire family will continue to pray for you. It would be an honor. Mr. President, could you do me one more favor? Would you please pray about a change of heart, too? On behalf of all those who yet can't speak, & for all those who can but can't see the light because of their unfortunate situation & hurting hearts, we sincerely thank you.
I appreciate your time,
WAY TO GO Melissa! Your letter to the President is AWESOME! Thank you. Kathleen in New York
Great writing! Hope you send it!
Awsome letter Melissa!!
Excellent. Amazing. SO TRUE.
that is awesome!! it moves you to tears!
I am so proud you wrote this letter! It expresses what so many feel but have been unable to put into words. thank you Melissa!
Love it too.
And my blog is back up and running. ;)
AWESOME!!! Preach On Sister!!!!!
Hi Melissa! Heather here. Got your comment and had to come see you(: What a powerful letter. I too was a possible abortion. My mom was pregnant at 16 and everyone in her life - including her mom - were pressuring her to "get rid of it". Praise the Lord she chose life for me. I know it was hard for her to raise me, but she has told me my entire life that I am one of her greatest blessings. In fact, she firmly believes it was my presence that kept her from killing herslef. She is an amazing, strong, courageous woman. Let's empower women to make the right choice, the ONLY choice, and not sell them the lie that abortion is "the best they can do". Talk about selling someone short!!
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