Today's stats:
27 lbs. 7 oz.
The first thing Dr. K said to me is "she's fine - we have no idea of her genetic makeup. We know nothing about her birthfather - we have no clue as to his height/weight/size. You aren't used to a baby this size because your other three have typically been on the other end of the charts." That comment from her was before I even mentioned to her that I thought the very same thing - I am just not used to having a large, heavy baby. I just needed reassuring that there wasn't a possibility of another underlying cause.
She informed me that numerous babies are 'off the charts'. Many of them are above the 95 percentile. This is nothing out of the ordinary - but it is for me. All of Mercedes' stats are above 95%. There's the first clue that there is no problem. She is consistent. She is proportionate. She's perfect. But then we already knew that. :)
I will say, I assumed Mercedes was way over 27 lbs. Honestly? I thought she weighed more like 34 lbs.! I am not kidding you. Yes, she is that heavy. The other day I carried her upstairs & I had to stop on the landing to catch my breath. Heehee. Hubby had her while ago & I heard him say "you are so heavy". I want to make an effort to stop saying that, even though we know it is so innocent, because I would never in my life want to give her some sort of complex.
God made my beautiful girl. Just because she is a bit larger than my others were at her age, I absolutely love her no less. She is so darn adorable & I treasure her. I accept my children just the way they are. There are no conditions. Size, or otherwise. They are unique. They are special. They were perfectly designed by our Creator.
Never in my entire life have I been so blessed. With all four of my children. I love them all so much. Mercedes just currently happens to be 27 lbs. of undeniable beauty. ☺
Having had 4 "off the charts" babies, I understand where you are coming from. I used to worry about mine all the time - but not anymore. I am glad the Ped put your worries at ease, as it's sometimes just as hard having a larger baby as it is having a small baby. I know I get comments all the time about Will - he's only 3 1/2 and he weighs 45 pounds, is 3 1/2 feet tall and wears a size 1 shoe. And we won't even get into what size clothing he is in. The bottom line is that children are all perfect little beings, created by God, and who are we to second guess his plan for each child he creates - including how big or little they are going to be? Believe me, it's hard not to question God sometimes regarding my kids, especially since I would love to know if God thought it would be funny to give little ol' 5'3" me a 13 year old who is almost 6 feet tall and wears a size 12.5 shoe?????
Love ya too Melissa!!! One BTDT tip I have learned.....If you are ever going anywhere, such as an amusement park, where children under a certain age get in free, bring Caibry's birth certificate with you. I have had to show "proof of age" for Will on one occasion and I had to do it with Natalie once as well. Because of her size, people may think she is older than she really is, and they will think that you are trying to get her in for free when she shouldn't. I only learned this when Jake was little and we got into an argument with the ticket lady at Disney who thought Jake was over the age of three and needed a ticket to get in. He was 22 months at the time
Off the charts mom here saying I concur with the other moms... don't worry, she's fine!
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