Let it be, let it be
My favorite thing about photo shoots is making them not feel like a photo shoot. I am just not a photo shoot kind of photographer. Who thinks it's fun to prop people up and arrange their arms and legs like giant action figures? Do people really enjoy wearing stuffy clothes? Being buttoned up and starched with a plastic, plastered smile?
Nah. I so much prefer photographing kids in their favorite ratty dresses and superman capes, while their parents sip coffee in T-shirts and bare feet and the dog meanders through the living room and in front of the lens. And the baby crawls around diaperless like a naked time bomb. When clients ask me how their child should be dressed for a session, my usual response is:
"The morning of the session, when your daugter wakes up with crazy hair and wearing an old princess nightgown - don't touch her. That's perfect."
I suppose the reasoning behind this preference of mine is that genuine memories can't be built on artifice. Years from now, you'll want to remember what your family life really looked and felt like - not what the photo session looked and felt like.
Let it be, let it be.
Let this post inspire you & your photography, as well.
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