Some beautiful girl lost her first tooth on 2.2.11. She is still just as gorgeous as ever. :)
(I had my focal point on the wrong setting so her photos are a tad blurry.)
Week before last stunk with dr. appointments for me. Mammogram yet again came back questionable/abnormal, so that Thursday I had a completely unexpected needle biopsy. Right then & there (at my request). That was fun. The good news is there is no cancer. I finally have an official diagnosis, & this is probably the beginning of a long journey for me (I've been battling this since Dec. '08 - it's been long enough, thank you ;o), but I won't lose focus on the wonderful results. What a blessing. We had Open House that same evening, Jaguar had 2 soccer practices during the week & I had another dr. appt. the morning following my biopsy. I'm telling you, it took me the entire last week to decompress. Now I get to look forward to having my blood sugar level checked (I'm so going to be in trouble with that one!), the eye dr. & the dentist. Yippee. Ü
In my spare time, I have spent too much time on, & contributed to, an 'accountability' website. I am trying to break free, but most days, it's better than a good book. My goal is to better utilize my free time. Heehee. One can hope. ;o)
I have finally listed my dining room table that I love so much (sniff, sniff) because it's time to turn the formal dining into a usable room. Not that it's not usable now, it's just that we don't use it. LOL Oh good glory, I can tell I haven't blogged in a while. (*Update - I have decided I love my table too much to sell. So, it's time to get creative, envision & rearrange some other rooms to accommodate my computer desk. Shall be interesting...) Ü
Moving right along.
It's time for me to do something (I know I've said this before). Meaning, it's time for me to get to work (part time only). I am a worker by nature & it's in my blood. I miss it. I love taking care of my family & that will always remain my #1 priority, but it's time for me to get busy. I hope to accomplish this via the internet but in the meantime, my mind is so busy. What will I do? How will I do it? Should I try to accomplish this goal via my blog? Or another direction? Etc. I'm not sure. But hopefully I'll figure it out.
Today I made homemade granola bars. I don't think it's necessary to cut them into bars - so I'm calling them 'homemade granolas'. :) Today my add-ins were: craisins, milk chocolate chips & peanut butter chips. I wanted to add marshmallows, but some cute little Mercedes ate them all. Next time I'll add them. This time, I had the grand idea to use parchment paper, having no idea if it would work or not. Last time I made these I know I didn't let them cool long enough & it seems like there was somewhat of a sticky mess left in my Pyrex dish. Check this out:
Tada! I took the 'granolas' out of the oven & let them sit on the counter. For probably about...2 hours or so. I then grabbed the parchment paper, turned it upside down & the granolas just slid right off, back into my dish. Clean, neat & messless. You are looking at the bottom of the granolas, with the one piece at the top turned rightside up.
Everyone in my family loves these. But me. Heehee. They aren't bad, I just don't care for them. Remember though, I'm the (very!!) finicky eater. The entire dish of granolas would be gone tonight if I'd let everyone gorge. Ü I don't necessarily like that this recipe calls for 2 sticks of butter, so I'm going to try using some peanut butter next time (I forgot to do that this time). I still am totally into cooking from scratch (although it's so disappointing to me, because so much of what I'm trying I don't like & neither do my littles. Hubby eats anything.), searching for easy/healthy recipes & cutting out high fructose corn syrup (& the like). Can't even tell ya the last time I bought a cleaning product, other than detergent, Shout & Borax. With prices increasing, food prices are increasing & I'm trying to be ever so frugal. Love it! It's just a good feeling saving money wherever I can & I love a good challenge. Ü
This coming week entails: Tomorrow I will take Mercedes to get her lab work completed (two weeks before it's actually due again), because I am confident I am seeing symptoms/signs that her body is no longer tolerating the absense of her medication. I will not screw around with this - so I'm taking the initiative & getting this looked at. I'll phone the Endocrinologist after I have the lab work completed. After that, I'll be searching for frugal ideas for spring break (already have an idea in mind :) because next week - is Spring Break! I'm excited.
And with that I'll say...I should have titled this: Stream of Consciousness. Or as I like to call it: Crap On The brain. (*And I did. I reinstated my 'Crap On The Brain' label. Contain your excitement. ;o)
Happy week! Ü
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