I love taking photos. I don't take as many as I'd like, but still, I take a bunch. And as crazy as it sounds, I have absolutely no rhyme nor reason to uploading & storing them. I don't have a system. I don't have consistent routine or plan. I have no clue as to how others handle uploading their images, printing them & storing them. The sad part is as many photos as I take, I do nothing with them (if I choose to blog one/some, I install my card, upload it to my blog folder & then put my card back in my camera). I promised myself long ago that I would start printing my most favorite photos. My heart's desire is for my home to be flooded with photos of my children. I've started the process many times - I've saved many of my favorites in different folders, but then something comes up, life goes on & I forget about them. I never follow thru & print them. This is insanely aggravating to me. I'm hoping to discover a good, proven, organized system to implement. When I do, I think it will be simpler for me to actually get my images printed & into my home.
My current lack of system includes:
Taking photos.
Letting them sit on my CF card.
For months. Like, 3-4 months at a time.
When I get entirely too many photos on my CF card, I upload them.
Into one folder.
The start date is the date of the first image.
The end date is the date of the last image.
That's what I name the folder.
After I upload them, I open the folder & start deleting on my card.
One photo at a time.
Before I delete a photo, I confirm it did indeed transfer to the folder.
I want to make sure I don't delete any image(s) that didn't transfer.
This procedure takes me one hour +.
Every time.
Because I typically have 600-700 photos to delete.
When I'm done deleting my card, I close the folder.
Sometimes I save the folder to a cd.
In case my computer crashes.
Sometimes I don't ever save them to a cd, they just sit on my F drive.
And that's the end of that.
I then start all over again.
I've done some googling & found a site that suggests uploading photos monthly. Labeling the folder with the year documented first, so it's easy to locate. And then the month. For example: 2011 April. Certain events have their own folder. I.e. 2011 Christmas. I usually label mine something like this: January12011thruApril42011. What a confusing mess. When I want to search for a certain photo, I have to browse years of folders until I find the right one. Blah. I need to read some more on that site, as well as continue googling. I'm disappointed that I haven't implemented a more organized system by now. I reckon I thought my way worked ok, especially since I don't print any. But now it's time for a serious improvement. At this point, I don't think I'll attempt to go back & resort those I've uploaded, I think I'll just start fresh.
I'd love to know how Kelle or Alyssa handle all their photos. I did notice Kelle commented the other day that she takes her favorite photos & sticks them in specific folder. I understood it as she uploads photos daily, but I'm not certain. No clue how Alyssa handles hers but I will say - both of these moms have photos plastered all over their homes. Yay for them! I want to jump on their bandwagon. So I'm gonna. This time, for sure!
Do you have a certain system that works well for you? If so, please share. I need all the help I can get. Trust. Ü
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