This couponing stuff is hard. It is for me, anyway. So time consuming. I thought I'd go to CVS tonight & see if I could do some damage. :) This is all I could come up with:
I think it's a good deal, but is it?
Arm & Hammer detergent on sale for $2.99 - $1.00 extra bucks (free $ to use on next CVS trip.)
Aquafresh - so tiny. But, it was $1.27 - $1.00 coupon = $.27 cents.
2 Ajax dish soap (I ♥ this stuff!) - on sale for $.89 cents each.
2 Dawn dish soap - on sale for $.99 each - 2 $.50 coupons = $.50 each.
2 Duracell (4 pack) on sale for $2.99 each - 2 $.75 coupons = $2.25 each. (I was unsure if this was a deal so I did some quick calculating. I got 8 batteries for $4.50 & their 8 pack was over that amount, so I went ahead & got them even though they are probably cheaper at WM.)
Conair teasing brush - full price - $4.99. Not a deal. Ü
Caffeine free Diet Coke (ahem - necessary for brain thinking ;o) - $1.77. Not a deal. Ü
I estimated the total to be $18 & it was $18.66. Remove the teasing brush (I always use a comb to rat my hair, but I saw on cutie patootie's blog that she uses this brush. I couldn't locate one at Target or WM, so I went ahead & got it tonight) & coke, & I ended up paying $12 for the detergent, dish soaps & batteries. I hope that's a good deal. :)
I'm actually going back now & get 2 Irish Spring deodorants: BOGO free. The price for one is $3.99, so basically I can get 2 for $2.00 a piece. But, I have a CVS coupon for $1.00 off & I have the $1.00 extra bucks I got earlier, so now I can get 2 for $1.99 = $1.00 a piece. Good deal!
I threw some shorts in the laundry that I bought Bentley at GW. As I was straightening & buttoning them, something kept banging against the washer. When I checked all the pockets to make sure they were empty, I found this:
A metal cross! On the back is inscripted: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
It's amazing to me how He'll just show up, whenever/wherever necessary, giving the gentle nudge or reminder we need exactly when we need it. Or, typically in my case, a hard smack on the back of my head. ♥
Happy weekend! Make it good! Ü
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