She can barely walk, & when she does, she is extremely unstable. She is disoriented, walking into chairs & walls. A lot of pacing. Walking in circles. She will not respond when we call her. Won't even attempt to turn her head in our direction.
I sat on the floor while ago & she stumbled towards me. When she reached me, she gave all her strength to stand up on my legs so I would hold her.
We don't know what to do. Should we give it more time? See another Vet? She is completely limp & lethargic - if you ask me, she may not even make it thru the night.
*Within about an hours span, we went from calling the vet to have Cassie put down, to driving her to an emergency vet, who we feel confident has diagnosed her properly! As far as we know, Cassie has a Liver Shunt. Basically, her liver does not function properly (probably because of her size...she weighed 5.4 lbs. tonight), & the high protein food she was on was killing her.
This new vet took immediate action, gave her an iv to flush out the toxins, gave her antibiotics & some other meds, & Cassie is no longer on death's door. She is not yet 100%, but she is so much better, it's miraculous! She is walking much better, the 'temporary blindness' is gone, she is responsive, lifting her head, tongue back in place, no longer drooling, pacing, etc.
Cassie had almost every single symptom of a Liver Shunt. Why our current (well, not 'current' anymore!) vet didn't pick up on 'Liver Shunt' is beyond us. All it would have taken is one simple blood test to check her Bile Acid level. She is now on a low-protein diet, an antibiotic & another medication she will take 3x daily indefinitely.
Hopefully with these changes implemented immediately, our girl can now live a normal, active life! We are forever grateful to this vet (& the vet's a woman...teehee...women are smarter ;o) - she is knowledgable, & jumped right in & saved Cassie. Ü
Now. If I could get our ex-current vet to refund the $600-700 we've paid him over the last 3 months, I would greatly appreciate it. I won't hold my breath, though.
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